Evaluation of Examination Performance

Both the written and oral components of the examination will be assessed in determining the student’s performance. It is acknowledged that the student may have received considerable assistance from research mentors/advisors with the written part of the exam because of the program’s emphasis on having students submit proposals for funding to support their research. Both the written and oral components must be passed for successful completion of the examination.

The examination outcome/result is based on the committee majority vote and will be one of the following: 1) pass with no contingencies, 2) conditional pass with contingencies or 3) fail. Students who receive a conditional pass with contingencies will receive written communication from the committee chair detailing the required contingencies (e.g. additional coursework, assignments, etc.) and due date.Should the student require an extension on the deadline to submit contingency requirements, the student must submit a petition to the exam committee detailing the rationale for the extension and a proposed alternative due date. The exam committee chair will respond in writing to note if the petition is approved or denied. Students who fail the examination will receive written communication from the committee chair detailing the rationale for the grade, and can petition the Executive Committee for permission to retake the exam. 

The Chair of the Examination Committee is responsible for communicating in writing the outcome of the examination via the Exam Result Report Form (link available on the PhD RS Executive Committee Team), which will distribute copies of the report to the Executive Committee and the student’s Research Mentor. The report should also include any feedback (concerns, suggestions, etc.) about the research presented by the student that could potentially be useful in improving the student’s dissertation.