Student Evaluation of Fieldwork Experience and Supervision

Student Evaluation of the Site Experience (SEFWE)
Students are required to fill out both a formal evaluation of their experience at the facility(ies), using the respective for Level II fieldworkThe Student Evaluation forms provide opportunities to rate the facility’s orientation, and other aspects of the fieldwork program.

Student Evaluation of Fieldwork Educator

Students also complete Evaluations of their Fieldwork Educator as a formal mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of supervision. The AFWC or CEPSA review the evaluations to monitor for any concerns to be addressed with individual supervisors in collaboration with the fieldwork site’s Student Program Coordinator.


Criteria for grading all fieldwork courses are noted on the individual course syllabus. Please refer to the course syllabus for specific instructions on assignments and course requirements, including the completion of designated evaluation forms for each type of fieldwork.