17. Laboratory Space

Students are expected to adhere to all safety guidelines in the use of all laboratory space on the Institute’s campus, including the health assessment lab, nursing assessment lab, simulation lab, examination rooms, and labs located at 2 Constitution Wharf (2CW). Additionally, students will participate in simulation and learning opportunities at partnering institutions. These safety guidelines, in addition to any policies of the host institution, must be followed when engaged in learning at these sites.

  1. Universal precautions and infection control practices must be used when indicated.
  2. Students are responsible for following established protocols for use of all laboratory equipment and teaching models.
  3. Students are responsible for identifying personal conditions or circumstances for which they may require special precautions or when contraindications exist, and for developing appropriate adaptations or requesting necessary accommodations.
  4. Students are responsible for maintaining their own safety and the safety of others in all laboratory activities. Students have the right to request termination of an examination being performed on them at any time.
  5. Students must dress appropriately for lab in clean attire. When paired for the purpose of learning physical examination skills, clothing must permit exposure and access to limbs and trunk for examination purposes (tank tops and shorts are recommended). When being examined students are expected to wear a gown. When interacting with patients (real or simulated) or robotic simulation exercises for practice or testing, students are expected to wear appropriate professional dress, their lab coat, and IHP student name tag. Students should not be wearing scrubs to these encounters, unless otherwise indicated. In all sessions where students are participating in physical examination or performing technical skills, long hair must be pinned back, and dangling jewelry must be removed. Fingernails must be short. Socks must be worn, and shoes should be closed at the toe.
  6. Students are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and organization in the lab, including:
    • Changing pillowcases and sheets when used
    • Wiping down examination tables with an appropriate cleansing solution
    • Changing table paper
    • Placing all dirty laundry in the appropriate receptacle
    • Returning all equipment to designated areas
    • Returning all study materials to their original condition/place
    • Keeping shoes off sheets and tables
  7. Food and drink are not allowed in any lab space.
  8. Models, materials, and equipment should not be removed from the laboratory.

When lab sessions are finished, students must return lab furniture to its original configuration. This includes open lab sessions, independent study, regular classroom sessions, etc.