Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence

A leave of absence (LOA) is a temporary hiatus in enrollment that enables students to attend to health, academic, or other extenuating circumstances and pause their academic progress.  Leaves of absence are granted one semester at a time and can be renewed at the end of each semester for up to a year (3 consecutive semesters). If an extension beyond a year is needed, a new LOA must be requested, submitted, and approved.   Please see the policy governing length of LOA in the MGHIHP catalog.

Leave of Absence submissions that occur during the semester may be subject to the tuition refund schedule. A leave of absence does not extend the time limit to complete the program.

Leave of Absence Request

  • Students are required to discuss the proposed LOA with their Faculty Advisor and Program Dean. Together they will document the reasons for the LOA, and determine the date and conditions for return, if appropriate. This agreement will be signed by all three parties and sent to the Dean for their signature and copy the Assistant Dean for Student Success. A copy will be kept in the student’s permanent file with the Assistant Dean of Student Success.
  • The student then submits the electronic Withdrawal/Leave of Absence Form.
  • The decision will be sent by the Office of Enrollment Services.

Return from Leave of Absence

  • To reenter the program, all conditions outlined in the leave of absence agreement must be met and approved by the Program Dean.
    • Failure to adhere to the agreements could result in administrative withdrawal from the program. In these cases, students will need to request reinstatement in writing.
    • Clinical placements are not guaranteed.

Length of LOA

[Reviewed May 2023]