Early Childhood Education, M.A.T. (Alternative Teacher Licensure Program)

This program is designed for those who do not have a Professional Educator License. It provides candidates with a comprehensive background for working with younger children in a variety of settings. Completion of this degree program leads to licensure by entitlement for a Professional Educator License endorsed for early childhood and self-contained general education (age 0 to grade 2) along with an ESL or Bilingual Education Endorsement.

In addition to National College of Education Graduate Admissions Requirements, applicants must:

  • Pass the Test of Academic Proficiency (TAP) or ISBE approved alternative
  • Have a bachelor's degree with a major in the content area of reading, English/language arts, mathematics or physical or social sciences
  • Sit for a formal interview with National College of Education program faculty at least two weeks prior to the start of the first term
  • Submit three academic or professional letters of recommendation (recommenders must be listed on the application)

Program Details:

  • Requires 53 SH for completion
  • Candidates must be admitted before starting the first term, Jumpstart
  • To continue in the program, candidates must maintain an overall GPA of at least 3.0 each term and earn a "B" or better in all methods courses (ECE 501, ECE 505, ECE 506, RLL 537, MHE 482)
  • Candidates must complete General Education Requirements before the end of the second term or before the start of the third term:
    • Science – coursework covering at least three of the following areas: physical, life science, and earth and space
    • Social Sciences – coursework covering at least four of the following areas: history, geography, civics and government, economics of Illinois, US and the world
  • Requires immersive school placement

Required Courses

Jumpstart Courses - 7 SH

ECE 501Early Childhood Instructional Methods/Primary/Language Arts and Social Studies


EPS 513Frameworks for Data Driven Instruction

1 TO 3

FND 501Community Study


RLL 535Foundations of Emergent Literacy


Note: EPS 513 must be taken for 1 semester hour in Jumpstart.

Residency Year 1 Courses - 24 SH

CIL 505Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language


CIL 510Assessment of ESL and Bilingual Education Students


CIL 531Cross Cultural Education


ECE 505Early Childhood Instructional Methods/Preprimary/Language Arts/Literature/ Art/Music/Movement


ECE 506Early Childhood Instructional Methods/Preprimary/Mathematics/Science/Social Studies


MHE 482Instructional Methods/Primary/Math and Science


RLL 537Early Literacy Methods PreK-3


SPE 500Introduction to and Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities


SPE 527Differentiated and Individualized Curriculum and Instruction


Residency Year 2 Courses - 22 SH

CIL 500Foundations of ESL and Bilingual Education


CIL 501Introduction to Linguistics for TESOL


CIL 506Methods and Materials for Teaching Bilingual Education


EPS 513Frameworks for Data Driven Instruction

1 TO 3

EPS 541Cognition and Instruction

1 TO 2

EPS 659Studies in family-school partnerships and relationship-building


ESR 514Research in Action: Becoming Practitioner Researchers


TIE 535Instructional Design Foundations for Digital Age Learning Environments

1 TO 3

Notes: EPS 513 must be taken for 2 semester hours during Residency Year 2. EPS 541 must be taken for 2 semester hours. TIE 353 must be taken for 3 semester hours.

Each phase of this program includes benchmarks. Candidates must meet the below requirements to progress in the program.

During Jumpstart, candidates must: 

  • Complete the Jumpstart coursework
  • Pass the Early Childhood content test (107) 
  • Obtain an educator license with stipulations with an alternative provisional educator endorsement 
  • Secure a placement in a public or appropriate private or charter school in an appropriate classroom as a full-time teacher or co-teacher 
In order to enter Residency Year I, candidates must: 
  • Have a passing score on the Early Childhood content test (107) 
  • Hold an educator license with stipulations with an alternative provisional educator endorsement 
  • Have a placement as a full-time teacher or co-teacher in a public school, including without limitation a charter school, or in a State-recognized nonpublic school in which the chief administrator is required to have the licensure necessary to be a principal in a public school in this State and in which a majority of the teachers are required to have the licensure necessary to be instructors in a public school in this State 
  • Since candidates must have passed the Early Childhood content test (107) and obtained a placement prior to beginning the second term, they should plan ahead to ensure that these requirements are met 
During Residency Year I, candidates must: 
  • Complete the Residency Year I coursework 
  • Pass the Assessment of Professional Teaching: APT 101 (Birth to Grade 3) 
  • Pass the edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) (except for the candidates beginning their second year of residency in or before the 2015-2016 school year, who shall be required to pass the edTPA during that year) 

In order to enter Residency Year II, candidates must: 

  • Have successfully completed benchmark assessments that address required state and national standards 
  • Have a passing score on the Assessment of Professional Teaching: APT 101 (Birth to Grade 3) 
  • Have a passing score on the edTPA (Teacher Performance Assessment) (except for the candidates beginning their second year of residency in or before the 2015-2016 school year, who shall be required to pass the edTPA during that year) 
  • Receive a positive evaluation by and recommendation of the principal and program director 
During Residency Year II, candidates must: 
  • Hold a one year full time teaching position. (The candidate must receive salary, benefits and any other terms of employment offered to teachers in the school who are members of an exclusive bargaining representative.) 
  • Receive a positive evaluation by and recommendation of the principal and program director