THEA 4190 Independent Studies

 Individual study of selected topic in Theater under the direction of a member of the department.

THEA 4191 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Theater. The topic will be announced prior to registration.


THEA 4290 Independent Studies

Individual study of selected topic in Theater under the direction of a member of the department.



THEA 4291 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Theater. The topic will be announced prior to registration.


THEA 4300 Directing

Study of the basic techniques of working with actors as well as the analysis of plays for production and the "geometry" of stage blocking. Practical experience in direction of a project negotiated with the instructor.


THEA 4350 Playwriting

Study of plotting, analysis, and dialogue in the preparation of a dramatic work. Practical experience in creative writing of one-act and/or full length plays. Prerequisite: DRAM 2350.


THEA 4390 Independent Studies

Individual study of selected topic in Theater under the direction of a member of the department.

THEA 4391 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Theater. The topic will be announced prior to registration.


THEA 4395 Internship in Theatre

Students are mentored by professionals in performance organizations for at least nine hours per week. The intern is to observe, first-hand, day-to-day functions and operations of the organization and given meaningful projects to perform. These duties are to be negotiated among the mentor, UMHB faculty, and inter n. The intern's work is to be evaluated by the mentor and UMHB faculty at the end of the internship. The intern will keep a daily log with simple one-or two-line entries that identify daily tasks, accomplishments, hours worked, and any problems encountered.


THEA 4490 Independent Studies

Individual study of selected topic in Theater under the direction of a member of the department.

THEA 4491 Seminar

A study of selected topics in Theater. The topic will be announced prior to registration.