MUS 409 Composition

Contemporary techniques of composition as applied to vocal and instrumental media. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credits.



MUS 202

MUS 411 History of Rock and Roll

A survey of Rock and Roll from its roots to the present day, including styles, performers, composers, and culture.



FA 207, MUS 101 or permission of instructor.

MUS 412 History of Musical Theatre

An exploration of this American art form, from operetta and music comedy to contemporary musical theatre. Open to all students.



FA 207, MUS 101 or permission of instructor.

MUS 413 Liturgical Music

A study of Catholic liturgical music, including Church documents and liturgical books, music repertoire and liturgical performance and historical context.



FA 207, MUS 101 or permission of instructor.

MUS 414 History of Jazz

A study of Jazz from its roots to the present day, including styles, performers, composers, and culture.



FA 207, MUS 101 or permission of instructor.

MUS 442 Guitar Ensemble

An ensemble experience for guitar players of sufficient skill. Literature of all style periods will be performed. Enrollment by permission of instructor.



2 semesters of MUS 242.

MUS 443 Wind Symphony

Ensemble for the reading and performing of all styles of band literature. Open to all University students by audition. May be taken 8 times for credit.



2 semesters of MUS 243.

MUS 444 University Singers

Repertoire includes music from all periods and styles. A mixed voice chorus open to all students by audition. May be taken 8 times for credit.



2 semesters of MUS 244.

MUS 445 University Orchestra

Open to University students by audition. Devoted to the performance of a wide variety of orchestral literature. Opportunities for solo performance. May be taken 8 times for credit.



2 semesters of MUS 245.

MUS 446 Chapel Music Ensemble

The ensemble of singers and players meets once per week with the express purpose of preparing music for the chapel services. It is open without audition to any University student regardless of major. May be taken 8 times for credit. Does not fulfill ensemble requirement for music majors/minors.



2 semesters of MUS 246.

MUS 447 Chamber Ensembles

Small groups that rehearse and perform music in a variety of styles. May be repeated 8 times for credit. Registration by permission of instructor.


MUS 452 Women's Chorale

A women's choir, open to all students by audition. Participants need not be music majors. Repertoire drawn from wide variety of musical styles. May be taken 8 times for credit.



2 semesters of MUS 252.

MUS 453 University Jazz Ensemble

Performance of contemporary literature for this medium. Open to all University students with permission of the director. May be taken 8 times for credit. Does not fulfill ensemble requirement for music majors.



2 semesters of MUS 253.

MUS 455 Lyric Theatre Workshop

Study of theatrical singing and acting techniques as applicable to all varieties of musical theatre pieces. Students are expected to participate in various performances prepared by the class. Open to all students with instructor's permission.



Instructor audition required prior to registration.

Cross Listed Courses

THTR 355, THTR 555

MUS 484 Performance Workshop

This course is an optional addition for those concurrently enrolled in MUS 486.  Students will perform repertoire being learned in their private lessons in front of their peers and instructor with the goal of improving their stage presence and learning to better convey text through music to an audience.


MUS 286


MUS 486

MUS 485 Private Lesson - Music Coaching

This course is designed reinforce concepts introduced in private voice/instrumental lessons; to practice correct pitch, rhythm, style, diction, phrasing, expression, memorization, and other elements of a successful musical performance; to gain experience working with a pianist and/or other collaborative musicians. Fee: $300



MUS 486 or MUS 455 or Instructor Permission

MUS 486 Private Lessons

Third and fourth-year individual instruction, performance, and literature. See MUS 286 for particular instruments. May be repeated four times for credit. See Music Study Handbook for specific requirements. Fee: $300.



2 semesters of MUS 286 and/or MUS 235.

MUS 490 Directed Study

For the student who demonstrates the ability to do individual study and research in selected areas of the curriculum. Selection of the area must be made in consultation with and approval of the appropriate faculty to be involved.


MUS 491 Seminar

Credit arranged.

MUS 498 Senior Capstone

All music majors are required to prepare and present a project during the last semester of their residence. Projects include a research or creative component. Examples include recitals, lecture recitals, performances of compositions, conducting etc. Guidance will be provided by various faculty members as assigned.