2013-2014 Catalog

Sexual Harassment

Western Piedmont Community College is committed to providing a classroom and workforce environment free from sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination, illegal under state and federal law and a violation of College policy. Sexual harassment may affect any member of the College community—students, faculty and staff. Complaints are dealt with promptly and appropriate action is taken.

Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to learn more about their rights and responsibilities with regard to this issue. Any inquiries you may make will be handled with professionalism and confidentiality. Students may contact the Dean of Student Services in Hildebrand Hall. Employees may contact the Director of Human Resources in Moore Hall. Guidelines for filing a grievance are found in the Student Handbook and in the Policy Manual.

Registered Sex Offenders

Students seeking information about registered sex offenders in the region may contact the local Sheriff’s Department or go to the NC State Bureau of Investigation website: http://ncfindoffender.com.

Annual Crime Statistics Report

As required by the provisions of the Student Right to Know and Campus Security Act of 1990, the following statistics are provided for your information:

Offenses Reported (2012)

Misdemeanor Larceny


Breaking & Entering


Breaking into Motor Vehicle


Communicating Threats


Bomb Threat


Disorderly Conduct


Damage to Property








Personal Safety Tips

Personal safety at Western Piedmont is everyone’s concern and responsibility. Campus Security urges all members of the community to participate in making the campus as safe as possible. If you develop good security habits, you can assist us in protecting you and safeguarding your property. The following are some safety measures that could help prevent you from becoming a victim of crime.


  • Don’t walk alone. Campus Security officers will be more than glad to provide you an escort to your vehicle.
  • Call the switchboard at (828) 438-6000.
  • Use public, well-lighted walkways. Avoid any dark, isolated areas.
  • Look alert and hold your keys in your hand when you are walking to your vehicle.
  • Give your vehicle the quick “once over” before entering with a critical eye for possible break-ins or persons in the rear seat or floor area.

If you are being followed:

  • Cross the street.
  • Change direction.
  • Keep looking back, so the person realizes you are aware of his/her presence.
  • Go to a well-lighted area.
  • Notice as many physical details as possible, so you can describe the person to the police.
  • Report the incident to the police.

If you are alone in your room, an office or classroom:

  • Keep the door locked.
  • Always ask who is knocking before opening the door.
  • Never prop open locked exterior building doors.
  • When leaving your room (even if only for a few minutes), LOCK IT!

When you are driving:

  • Drive with doors locked and windows rolled up.
  • When you park, lock all doors and take your key with you.
  • Store valuables out of sight in a locked trunk or glove compartment.
  • Park in well-lighted areas.
  • If possible, don’t drive alone.
  • Don’t pick up hitchhikers.
  • If you see blue lights on the car behind you, do not pull over until you are in a well-lighted populated area. The police officer will understand your concerns.
  • If your car breaks down and someone stops to assist you, do not get out of your vehicle, roll down the window enough to tell them to call the police.

Property Protection Tips

Members of the college community are vulnerable to the same problems encountered by residents of any other metropolitan area. Campus Security’s mission is to protect this community. However, the opportunity for crime exists. The community can assist us in its efforts to reduce crime by taking the following precautions.

  • Keep cash, checks, credit cards, purses, brief cases, etc. with you at all times. Never leave them unattended or unsecured.
  • Keep your car locked at all times to help prevent theft. Store valuable items in the trunk.
  • Store computers, lab equipment and audio visual equipment in a locked classroom or office.
  • Make a record of the serial number of both personal and college property in your room or office.
  • Doors and windows at Western Piedmont have locks – use them!
  • Report defective locks immediately.

Athletic facilities are not immune from thieves. Try not to bring valuables (expensive watches, jewelry, wallets with cash and credit cards) with you when using the facility. Use the lockers and secure with heavy duty locks.

Textbook Protection

Textbooks are an expensive and necessary part of your college education. Take the necessary steps to protect your investment. Place your name in ink on the inside cover and other obscure areas known only to you to be able to identify your books in case of theft.

Do not leave your textbooks, calculators, or book bags in unattended study rooms, hallways, library, dining area or unsecured lockers. Record serial numbers of calculators.

Thieves know where students leave their belongings unattended and take advantage of such an opportunity. Be suspicious of any person(s) hanging around storage areas, i.e. outside of the bookstore, with no apparent purpose.

If you see any suspect or illegal activity occurring on or about the Western Piedmont Campus contact:

Campus Security by dialing the Main Campus (828) 438-6000

Morganton Department of Public Safety at (828) 437-1211

  • Be prepared to tell your name, location, and location and nature of the incident.
  • If you are in a safe location, stay there.
  • Do not attempt to interfere with the situation except for self-protection.
  • Try to note distinguishing characteristics of any suspects involved.
  • Also note a description of any vehicles involved; license number, model, make, color, occupants.

Other information regarding WPCC’s Security Department may be found on our website at http://www.wpcc.edu.

Confidentiality Statement

Student work may be collected and used in promoting and assessing the College’s performance at achieving its defined student learning outcomes. Any and all collected work for these purposes will be treated with anonymity and with confidentiality.

Visit our website at: http://www.wpcc.edu.