Catalog 2018-2019

Social Work Assistant

Student Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the associate of applied science degree program in Social Work Assistant will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Knowledge: Understand the history of the social work profession, identify career choices, apply methods and procedures, and support the value base of the profession and its ethical standards and principles.
  • Communication/People Skills: Communicate effectively through speaking, writing, and listening and demonstrate these skills by interviewing, basic counseling, facilitating groups, and completing required paperwork. 
  • Self-awareness: Assess their own experiences, strengths, and weaknesses and monitor their actions in light of this self-awareness. 
  • Problem Solving/Critical Thinking: Function within the structure of organizations and service delivery systems using problem solving and critical thinking skills and to apply the knowledge, interpersonal qualities, and skills of an assistant social work practitioner with systems of all sizes. 
  • Technology: Demonstrate the use of technology as needed in the specific work environment. 
  • Diversity: Work with a variety of client populations without regard to clients' age, class, color, race, religion, and sexual orientation.
  • Specialization: Understand the unique needs of people dealing with a particular social issue and apply the interpersonal qualities and skills needed. 
  • Work Ethics: Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.



Graduates of the diploma program in Social Work Assistant will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Knowledge: Understand the history of the social work profession, identify career choices, apply methods and procedures, and support the value base of the profession and its ethical standards and principles.
  • Communication/People Skills: Communicate effectively through speaking, writing, and listening and demonstrate these skills by interviewing, basic counseling, facilitating groups, and completing required paperwork.
  • Self-awareness: Assess their own experiences, strengths, and weaknesses and monitor their actions in light of this self-awareness. 
  • Problem Solving/Critical Thinking: Function within the structure of organizations and service delivery systems using problem solving and critical thinking skills and to apply the knowledge, interpersonal qualities, and skills of an assistant social work practitioner with systems of all sizes. 
  • Technology: Demonstrate the use of technology as needed in the specific work environment. 
  • Diversity: Work with a variety of client populations without regard to clients' age, class, color, race, religion, and sexual orientation. 
  • Work Ethics: Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.

Graduates of the certificate program in Addictions Specialist will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Define the classifications of mood altering substances.
  • Discuss substance use in the terms of use, abuse, and dependency.
  • Recognize the biological, psychology, and social aspect of addiction.
  • Understand the theoretical approaches, to substance abuse treatment.
  • Identify the roles of professionals in the field of substance abuse.
  • Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.

Graduates of the certificate program in Direct Support Professional will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Assist persons with disabilities and/or others who may need assistance to live as independently as possible in community settings.
  • Support families and other community members who provide assistance in community living to people who receive support services.
  • Engage in systematic training and person-centered planning and action to facilitate community participation of people who require support services.
  • Assist in implementing individual support plans that include community employment opportunities or other valued social roles and perform personal assistance supports that are respectful and respond to the interest and preferences of the individuals being supported.
  • Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.

Graduates of the certificate program in Domestic and Family Violence will be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Identify and discuss the causes and consequences of domestic and family violence. 
  • Recognize procedures and processes related to human services and domestic violence. 
  • Understand the theoretical approaches to human services and domestic violence.
  • Demonstrate the skills needed to be a domestic and family violence specialist.
  • Demonstrate the personal and professional ethics and interpersonal skills that are expected in the workplace.