Agriculture and Natural Resources B.S.

A major in Agriculture and Natural Resources will provide students with a foundation in soil science, plant science, animal science, economics, and ecology and the interrelationships among these disciplines. Students will learn to apply these disciplines toward the sustainable management of agriculture and natural resource systems. The program also will allow students to pursue more specialized training in particular areas of interest, such as animal science, plant and soil sciences, or natural resources management. Students completing the program will be prepared for a variety of employment opportunities, including graduate or veterinary school, by the breadth of their academic training and the skills gained through practical experience on the College’s educational farm and forest.

Degree Requirements

A major in Agriculture and Natural Resources is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

ANR 100Intr to Agr & Natural Resource

1/2 Course Credit

ANR 110Animal Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 130Plant Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 240Soil Science

1 Course Credit

ANR 375Farm Resource Management

1 Course Credit

ANR 100: 1/2 credit

Required Capstone Course

ANR 492Senior Seminar

1/2 Course Credit

ANR 492: 1/2 credit

Required Distribution Courses

One (1) of the following options

Option 1

ANR 494Labor/Field Learning Exper

Non-Credit Course

Four (4) ANR elective course credits (three of which must be at the 300 level or higher)

ANR 494: noncredit

Option 2

ANR 395Internship

1/2 to 3 Course Credits

Three (3) ANR elective course credits (two of which must be at the 300 level or higher)

Required Collateral Courses

CHM 131Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit


CHM 134Accelerated Environmental Chem

1 Course Credit

CHM 221Organic Chemistry I

1 Course Credit

ECO 102Principles of Microeconomics

1 Course Credit

SENS 100Intro-Sustainability & Environ

1 Course Credit


SENS 310Ecology

1 Course Credit

MAT 115College Algebra with Modeling

1 Course Credit

SENS 100 or SENS 310 and MAT 115 must be completed or waived.

Exploring the Major — Students considering this major should enroll in and complete both ANR 100 and ANR 110 (Fall Term), and ANR 130 (Spring Term), preferably all during their first year.

Admission to the Major — No special curricular requirements must be met for admission into the major.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) — ANR 110 and ANR 130 are prerequisites for several more advanced classes and should be completed by the end of the first year. MAT 115 also should be completed or waived by the end of the first year. ECO 102 and CHM requirements should be completed by the end of the sophomore year. Students should take at least one 300-level ANR course in the sophomore year. ANR 494 or ANR 395/ ANR 495 should be taken in the junior or senior year. ANR 492 must be taken in the senior year.

Other Considerations in the Major — Students planning to attend graduate school should consider taking CHM 222 and MAT 135. Veterinary school requirements vary, but will include additional chemistry, biology, and introductory physics courses. Students intending to pursue veterinary school should develop a plan early in their program in conjunction with an advisor in the Agriculture and Natural Resources Program.