Art: Art History B.A.

A concentration in Art History examines the artistic traditions of a broad range of periods, cultures, and places, as well as the full spectrum of visual media founded upon the intersection between Art History and Social History. Art History students learn how to treat non-verbal objects as evidence, how to use scholarly publications, and how to explain their insights and findings in written and oral formats. Students learn to weigh and interpret the narratives present in the visual medium through close object-based study to reveal information regarding the artist, their cultures of origin, and consider the works’ meanings within the contemporary world. The program’s emphasis upon critical thinking and its strong commitment to interdisciplinary inquiry prepares students for a variety of specialized professions, including architecture, museum and gallery work, conservation or preservation, graduate work in art and architectural history, teaching, law, medicine, and business.

Degree Requirements

A concentration in Art History is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the required General Education courses and electives required for a degree:

Required Foundation/Core Courses

ART 110Design

1 Course Credit

ARH 121Survey of Western Art I

1 Course Credit

ARH 124Survey of Western Art II

1 Course Credit

ARH 245

ARH 340Seminar in Art History

1 Course Credit

see Admission to the Major requirements below

Required Capstone Course

ARH 450Adv Research in Art History

1 Course Credit

ARH 450 with required public lecture--may be substituted with ARH 498 in extraordinary circumstances

Required Distribution Courses

Three (3) additional 200 level or above ARH courses. One approved 186 course may be taken for this requirement. Courses taken during an international experience may count towards this requirement, but at least one course must be taken on Berea’s campus. When necessary, approvals will be initiated by the advisor and approved and forwarded by the Program Coordinator.

Required Collateral Courses

Two (2) non-ARH courses chosen in consultation with the advisor in the Art Program and approved upon entry into the concentration; and a foreign language to the third (103) level (French or German are recommended).

Note: ART courses taken to fulfill this collateral requirement will not be counted in the minimum of 20 courses required outside the major.

Exploring the Major— Students considering this concentration must enroll in the 100-level foundation/core ART and ARH courses during their first three terms at Berea.

Admission to the Major— Completion of ARH 121 and ARH 124 and ART 110 with a grade of C or higher in each.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— Students interested in this concentration should take General Education requirements at the same time as Art History courses and ART 110. ARH 121 and ARH 124 should be taken in the freshman year and prior to any upper-level (200 and higher) Art History courses. ARH 245 should be completed by the second term of sophomore year. All students in this concentration must satisfactorily complete ARH 340 and ARH 450.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major— In addition to all foundation/core courses and the above-stated minimum grade of C in ART 110 and ARH 121 and ARH 124, all Art History majors must satisfy program standards for visual, written, and oral communication by successfully completing the senior capstone requirement.