
Division I Chair: R Rosen

Program Chair: D. Anderson

Faculty: C. Adams, D. Anderson, S. Blank, N. Douglas, M. Hoffman, R. Rosen, M. Rowley, and R. Scudder-Davis, and

The Biology Program curriculum is designed to enable students to understand the process of scientific inquiry and to introduce them to the major areas of biological sciences.

Upon completion of the Biology major, students should:

  1. Be able to describe, apply and integrate the fundamental concepts of biology including cell biology, ecology, evolution, genetics, organismal diversity, and organismal structure & function;
  2. Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method including the ability to identify and develop research questions/hypotheses, develop appropriate experimental design, conduct independent research, collect and interpret experimental data, and communicate experimental results & conclusions in an oral, written &/or poster format;
  3. Be able to search for, evaluate, interpret and communicate scientific information including primary research journal articles, review articles and popular scientific literature;
  4. Gain experience with the tools of the biologist including use of scientific equipment, library resources, computer applications, Internet resources, etc.
  5. Be able to apply quantitative methodologies to biological questions;
  6. Be able to demonstrate proficiency in written, oral and visual communication skills;
  7. Develop appropriate career skills essential for biologists including the ability to set goals & priorities, the ability to work independently and in a group or team, the ability to demonstrate courtesy and respect to colleagues, the ability to be accept responsibility for one’s actions, the ability to listen to the work and view of others and the ability to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
  8. Develop an understanding and appreciation for their role as science literate global citizens and professionals.

Qualified students may serve as Biology laboratory and teaching assistants and may engage in faculty-directed research and opportunities for independent study.

Students seeking a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Biology must complete six required core courses (as detailed below). Students elect to pursue one of the three Biology concentration areas (Field and Organismal Biology; Molecular, Cellular and Systems Biology; or General Biology), and will select a minimum of four courses within their chosen concentration, plus four collateral courses. Students may take additional courses in their selected concentration or any other concentration as electives. Students interested in pursuing a pre-medical/dental/veterinary preparatory curriculum are encouraged strongly to consider the General Biology Concentration option.