Biology B.A. with a Concentration in Molecular, Cellular, and Systems

Degree Requirements

A major in Biology with an Area of Concentration in Molecular, Cellular, and Systems Biology is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

BIO 110Modern Biology

1 Course Credit

BIO 113Experimental Zoology

1 Course Credit

BIO 114Botany

1 Course Credit

BIO 330Genetics

1 Course Credit

One (1) approved 300- or 400-level field course

Note: Approved 300- or 400-level field course (i.e. Field Botany, Dendrology and Forest Ecology, Parasitology, Invertebrate Zoology, Herpetology, or an approved field or field-station course)

Required Capstone Course

BIO 494Evolution

1 Course Credit

Required Concentration Courses

Courses within the concentration may include approved courses from any term, but at least three of the four selected concentration courses must be full Fall, Spring, or Summer One or Summer Two courses.

Four (4) course credits approved within the Molecular, Cellular, and Systems Biology Concentration, chosen from

BIO 222Microbiology

1 Course Credit

BIO 323Human Physiology

1 Course Credit

BIO 325Neurobiology

1 Course Credit

BIO 331Developmental Biology

1 Course Credit

BIO 441Cell and Molecular Biology

1 Course Credit

CHM 345Biochemistry

1 Course Credit

An approved BIO 386/486


Approved Molecular, Cellular, and Systems Biology course

NOTE: CHM 370 and CHM 371 each count as 1/2 course credits.

Required Collateral Courses

MAT 115College Algebra with Modeling

1 Course Credit

CHM 131Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit


CHM 134Accelerated Environmental Chem

1 Course Credit

CHM 221Organic Chemistry I

1 Course Credit

CHM 222Organic Chemistry II

1 Course Credit

In addition, two terms of the same modern foreign language are required.

MAT 115: or waiver

Exploring the Major— Students considering a major in Biology should waive or completed MAT 012 and enroll in BIO 110 and CHM 131 or CHM 134. (Students should complete CHM 101 prior to enrolling in CHM 131/CHM 134 if they have a limited high-school chemistry background.) BIO 100, BIO 101, BIO 102, and BIO 207 cannot be used toward the Biology major. These courses are general access courses or are service courses for other programs. Students interested in pursuing a pre-medical/dental/veterinary curriculum are encouraged strongly to pursue the General Biology Concentration option.

Admission to the Major— To be admitted to the Biology major, students must complete BIO 110, BIO 113, and BIO 114 with a combined GPA of 2.37 (two B- grades and one C- grade are the minimum requirement; grades below a C- are not acceptable). NOTE: This GPA requirement applies to entrance into the Biology major; it is not a graduation requirement.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— Students considering a major in Biology should waive or complete MAT 115 during their first year. If possible, students should complete BIO 110, BIO 113, and BIO 114 by the second term of their sophomore year. Students also are advised to complete their collateral Chemistry courses by their sophomore year whenever possible. BIO 494 (capstone) should be taken in Spring Term of senior year.

Other Considerations and Recommendations— Pre-medical/dental/veterinary students should enroll in CHM 131, rather than CHM 134, if possible. Students preparing for graduate or professional school are strongly encouraged to complete CHM 311, BIO 441 &/or CHM 345 (both if pre-med), MAT 135 (or waiver), and PHY 217 & PHY 218.