Chemistry B.A. with a General Concentration

Degree Requirements

A major in Chemistry is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

CHM 131Accelerated General Chemistry

1 Course Credit


CHM 134Accelerated Environmental Chem

1 Course Credit

CHM 221Organic Chemistry I

1 Course Credit

CHM 222Organic Chemistry II

1 Course Credit

CHM 311Analytical Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 345Biochemistry

1 Course Credit

All four (4) advanced-laboratory courses

CHM 370Advanced Lab I

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 371Advanced Lab II

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 470Advanced Lab III

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 471Advanced Lab IV

1/2 Course Credit

CHM 370, CHM 371, CHM 470 and CHM 471—½-credit each

Required Capstone Course/Experience

An approved research experience. To satisfy this requirement, and in consultation with the Academic Advisor, courses can be for credit or not for credit. Some possibilities are CHM 398/498, a research course, or an approved summer research project. Each student must submit a formal report summarizing the work accomplished on her/his project. See http:/ for guidelines. All student capstone experiences, regardless of concentration, will be approved case-by-case.

Required Distribution Courses

Two (2) course credits chosen from:

CHM 361Thermochemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 362Quantum Chemistry

1 Course Credit

CHM 451Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

1 Course Credit


CHM 452Advanced Organic Chemistry

1 Course Credit

One of which must be CHM 361 or CHM 362

Required Collateral Courses

MAT 115College Algebra with Modeling

1 Course Credit

MAT 125Trigonometry with Applications

1 Course Credit

MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit

MAT 225Calculus II

1 Course Credit

PHY 217General Physics I with Algebra

1 Course Credit

PHY 218Gen Physics II with Algebra

1 Course Credit


PHY 315Intro Physics I with Calculus

1 Course Credit

PHY 316Intro Physics II with Calculus

1 Course Credit

MAT 115, MAT 125, MAT 135, MAT 225: or waiver