Computer Science Optional Concentration

Degree Requirements

In addition to completing the requirements for the Computer and Information Science major (listed above), the optional concentration in Computer Science requires three (3) additional CSC courses and one (1) additional collateral course. Thus, students opting to complete this major with a concentration in Computer Science must complete fifteen (15) course credits—thirteen (13) in the major and two (2) collateral course credits, as follows:


CSC 440Design & Analysis of Algorithm

1 Course Credit

Operating Systems:

CSC 325Operating Systems & VMs

1 Course Credit

Theory and Analysis:

CSC 303Theory of Computation

1 Course Credit


CSC 433/MAT 433Numerical Analysis (MAT)

1 Course Credit

Continuous Mathematics:

One of the following additional Collateral Courses must be completed:

MAT 125Trigonometry with Applications

1 Course Credit


MAT 135Calculus I

1 Course Credit


MAT 225Calculus II

1 Course Credit