Music B.A.

A major in Music is achieved by completion of the following courses, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Core Music Curriculum

Theory Skills

MUS 220Materials of Music I

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 222Materials of Music II

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 221Aural Harmony I

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 223Aural Harmony II

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 320Materials of Music III

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 322Materials of Music IV

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 321Aural & Keyboard Harmony III

1/2 Course Credit

MUS 323Aural & Keyboard Harmony IV

1/2 Course Credit

History and Literature

MUS 115Intro to Music Literature

1 Course Credit

MUS 330Music History I

1 Course Credit

MUS 331Music History II

1 Course Credit

Applied Skills

MUA Applied lessons Total of 2.0 credits

Primary instrument


MUS 100Class Piano

1/4 Course Credit


MUS 101Class Piano II

1/4 Course Credit


MUS 103Class Voice

1/4 Course Credit


Capstone Course

MUS 400Senior Seminar

1/2 to 1 Course Credit

MUS 400/MUA 400: The Senior Seminar is designed to be the capstone experience of the Music Program’s core curriculum. As such, the seminar will focus on the research, study, practice, and implementation of the senior Music major’s final project, which consists of a final paper, performance, or other public presentation. Specific content and format will be determined by the student’s concentration, if applicable.

Recommendations for the Music Major

Exploring the Major— Students considering Music as a major should begin exploring the discipline through private applied music lessons (MUA), piano or voice classes (MUS 101, MUS 102, or MUS 103), and participation in one or more music ensembles (see Course Description section to follow). It is recommended that students complete or waive MUS 118A and 118B during their first year. Students also begin in the first or second year with MUS 115 (after MUS 118A and MUS 118B are completed or waived), as well as the sequence of theory-skills courses (MUS 220/ MUS 222 and MUS 320/ MUS 322) and ear-training courses (MUS 221/ MUS 223 and MUS 321/ MUS 323).

Private applied music lessons (MUA) are offered as one or two half-hour lessons weekly, or as one full-hour lesson, depending on the decision of the teacher and needs of the student. Students taking two half-hour lessons per week or one full-hour lesson receive one-half (1/2) course credit. Students who take one half-hour lesson per week receive one-fourth (1/4) course credit.

Students enrolling in musical organizations/ensembles may take the work for repeated academic credit, or as noncredit. Attendance and participation requirements apply equally to all members regardless of whether the ensemble is taken for credit. A maximum of two (2) full course credits in ensemble will count toward the Music major curricula.

Admission to the Major— The work of all prospective Music majors is reviewed by the Music faculty at the end of the sophomore year, prior to formal admittance to any concentration of the Music major program. This review includes performance on the major and minor instrument, if applicable, and a three-minute oral presentation by the student about his or her background and interest in music, choice of major, and career goals.

Course Sequencing Considerations and Program Recital Attendance Requirement (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms)— First- and second-year courses (see Exploring the Major, above) are followed by more advanced courses in history, literature, and methods designed to advance the student toward a particular focus or concentration. All Music majors are required to attend a minimum of eight Music Program recitals each term as part of their applied music study Failure to meet this requirement will result in an “incomplete” grade being assigned for the applied major instrument lessons for that term. The “incomplete” grade will remain in effect until the student makes up for the shortage by attending extra events during the following regular term (the amount of the shortage plus that term’s eight regular events). If the shortage is not made up by the end of the next regular term, the incomplete grade will be recorded as an “F.” All students enrolled in applied lessons must also attend three Program performance classes per term.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major— A thorough review is conducted at the end of the junior year to evaluate progress toward the completion of the Music degree. The oral presentation in the junior interview focuses on the student’s self-evaluation, future plans, and career goals. In addition to all core curricular requirements, all Music majors must satisfy program standards for written and oral communication by successfully completing the sophomore and junior interview, MUS 330, 331, and Senior Seminar requirements. All Music majors must pass two sight-singing proficiency exams before graduating. The first opportunity that a student has to take these exams is at the conclusion of MUS 223 and MUS 323.

Other Considerations in the Major— In addition to completing specified course requirements, each student must satisfy program standards for effectiveness in written and oral communication. Students still can perform in recitals that may count toward .5 credit in MUS 400: Senior Seminar. Students in Music may take MUS 400 (1/2 course credit) and MUA 400 (1/2 course credit) to fulfill the Senior Seminar requirement if they pass a recital preview and perform a recital. Other Music majors will take MUS 400 as a one-credit course.

Music Ensemble Requirement

All music majors (general and Music Education) and minors are required to participate in music ensembles. The specific requirements vary, according to the degree program. The ensemble requirements for each degree are listed below.



MUSIC – General

Students must earn a minimum of 1.5 credits in one or more ensembles related to the student's principle applied instrument(s) and/or career goals by participating in at least one ensemble each term for six separate academic terms.  More than one ensemble may be elected in any given academic term, but earning those credits does not excuse the student from required participation in at least one ensemble for each of the six terms.  Students are strongly advised not to participate in more than three ensembles in any given term.


Concert Choir each term except during professional term.


Wind Ensemble each term except during professional term.


Students must earn 0.5 ensemble credits (2 terms of any ensemble)