Political Science B.A

Degree Requirements

A major in Political Science is achieved by completion of the following requirements, in addition to the General Education and electives required for a degree:

Required Core Courses

PSC 100Intro to Study of Politics

1 Course Credit

PSC 110American Government

1 Course Credit

PSC 220Comparative Political Systems

1 Course Credit

PSC 235Research Methods

1 Course Credit

PSC 250International Relations

1 Course Credit

Required Capstone Course

PSC 480Senior Research Seminar

1 Course Credit

Required Distribution Courses

At least four (4) other 200-400 level PSC course credits, one (1) of which must be in some aspect of American government, chosen from

PSC 314American Constitutional Law

1 Course Credit

PSC 317The Judicial Process

1 Course Credit

PSC 322Congress and the Presidency

1 Course Credit


PSC 330State & Local Govt & Politics

1 Course Credit

One (1) in some aspect of international relations and/or comparative governments, chosen from

PSC 351International Organizations

1 Course Credit

PSC 352Politics of Developing Nations

1 Course Credit

PSC 355Foreign Policy Analysis

1 Course Credit

NOTE: Courses taken during the former Short Terms will not meet these requirements.

Exploring the Major — Students interested in Political Science as a major should complete at least two, and preferably three, of the following courses in their first year, if possible: PSC 100, PSC 110, PSC 220, or PSC 250. Be aware that MAT 010 (or waiver) is a prerequisite for PSC 100 and PSC 110. Also, MAT 012 (or waiver) is a prerequisite for MAT 104, which is a prerequisite for PSC 235.

Admission to the Major — In most cases, students should have completed at least one (preferably more than one) course in the major, with at least a 2.0 GPA in PSC courses.

Course Sequencing Considerations (in order to complete degree requirements within eight terms) — MAT 104 should be taken no later than the first term of sophomore year. Students should complete satisfactorily PSC 100, PSC 110, PSC 220, and PSC 250 by the end of the second year. PSC 235 is a prerequisite for PSC 480. Because it is offered only in Spring Term, generally, PSC 235 should be taken no later than junior year (and can be taken in the Spring Term of the second year). In the senior year, majors must complete PSC 480, which is offered only in Fall Term.

Proficiency Requirements for Retention in and Completion of the Major — In addition to completing specified course requirements in the major, each student must demonstrate advanced oral and written communication skills in PSC 480 by completing a major research paper and discussing and presenting it to the satisfaction of the program faculty.

Other Considerations or Recommendations — See Pre-Law under “The Academic Program” in this publication or contact the Pre-Law Coordinator, Dr. Robert Hoag, for information on how to prepare for Law School.

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