Agriculture and Natural Resources:

Crawford Prize in Conservation

Made possible by a gift from Mrs. Frederick Crawford. The prize is to be given to Berea College students who have excelled in environmental studies and have demonstrated concern for conservation, wildlife preservation, and natural history.

Delta Tau Alpha Awards

Certificates are awarded to the graduating Agriculture and Natural Resources major who has achieved the highest cumulative overall scholastic standing and the sophomore Agriculture and Natural Resources student for outstanding performance in the freshman year.

Edd C. Hogg Memorial Scholarship

Established by family and friends in recognition of Dr. Hogg’s many years of service to Berea College. The scholarship is given annually to students demonstrating Christian faith, economic need, and academic achievement. Recipients are chosen from among second-term juniors majoring in Agricultural and Natural Resources or Nursing at Berea College. The award is presented to two students, one in each major.

David F. Kinder Award

Awarded annually to a senior Agriculture and Natural Resources student who has shown exceptional productivity, initiative, and leadership in their labor program. The student should also demonstrate a successful academic program.

Joe Van Pelt Agricultural Leadership Award

Awarded to a junior student majoring in Agriculture and Natural Resources. Selection is on the basis of active interest in scholarship and sincere concern for social problems beyond the Department and whose efforts are above and beyond performance in the Labor Program.

Martin Aaron Wilson Award

Awarded annually to one or more students who show excellence in labor, service and academic skills combined with a strong interest in a career related to dairy production.