History and Political Science:

Blanton Prize in History and Political Science

This prize was established by Dr. Jack Blanton (Knapp Hall, ‘49, Foundation ‘53, College ‘57) to honor the Blanton family, including his grandfather, his parents, and his sister, all with Berea ties. This is to be given to a senior History and/or Political Science major. This student should be the most outstanding senior majoring in one or both of these subjects with strong writing skills. The selection of recipient would be upon the recommendation/agreement of the chairs of the History and Political Science departments.

Alfred C. Lutz Scholarship in American History

This scholarship is given by Mrs. Alfred C. Lutz in honor of her husband. The recipient should be of good moral character, have acceptable intellectual qualities, have financial need, and be seeking a degree in History.

Louis Andrew McCord Scholarship Award

This scholarship was established to honor the life and service of Louis Andrew McCord, a pastor and teacher in Appalachia, and an Alumnus of 1945. Awarded annually to a non-traditional junior or senior majoring in history education who demonstrates excellence in scholarship, enthusiasm for the discipline, and enthusiasm for teaching. In the event no History major meets the qualifications, English and Music Education majors also may be considered.

Paul C. Nelson History Prize

Paul David and Rebecca Nelson established this scholarship in memory of their son, Paul C. Nelson. The award, chosen by the History Department, goes to a senior History major for superior scholarship and character.

E. Taylor Parks Award

The E. Taylor Parks Award is given for excellence in History or Political Science. Mr. E.R. Brann established the award in memory of Dr. E. Taylor Parks, former Chairman of the Department of History and Political Science.

C. Louis Smith Scholarship

Awarded annually to the senior student in Political Science who has demonstrated outstanding qualities of scholarship and citizenship. Mr. E.R. Brann, Class of 1942, makes this award possible.

Robert B. Street Prize in American History

Robert B. Street, a graduate of 1910, established an endowment fund to provide prizes for oratorical and essay contests of American history and American democracy.