
Elsie Drukker Memorial Music Scholarship

Provides scholarships and financial aid to outstanding Music majors.

Marjory J. Flint Scholarship

The Marjory J. Flint Scholarship Fund was established through the bequest of her sister, Louie Key, in 1984. Income from the fund provides annual scholarships to piano or woodwind students for study of music at Berea or in graduate school. Recipients are selected on the basis of excellence of achievement and potential.

Irene Ziegler Hill Memorial Scholarship

The recipient of the Irene Ziegler Hill Memorial Scholarship is chosen on the basis of academic excellence and musicianship, with special preference given to those candidates who show outstanding potential as future music educators. The endowed fund was donated in memory of Irene Ziegler Hill, a former member of the Music faculty and one of the moving forces behind the establishment of a major in Music Education at Berea College.

Rolf E. Hovey Memorial Scholarship

The Rolf E. Hovey Memorial Scholarship was established in 1995 by the Hovey family and by former students in loving memory of Dr. Hovey, founder and director of the Berea College Chapel Choir and longtime Chairman of the Music Department.

Sherwood-Hill Award

This award honors the memory of several members of the Sherwood and Hill families. It is granted to Music majors that have demonstrated academic excellence and high potential in the field of music.

Underwood-Alger Music Scholars

The scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Music and who have exhibited excellence in scholarship, as well as financial need.