Natural and Physical Sciences:

John S. Bangson Biological Science Awards

Established by Mrs. John Bangson to honor Dr. John S. Bangson, former Chairman of the Department of Biology at Berea College. These awards are given annually to two students: a sophomore with the highest grades in biology and a graduating senior Biology major chosen on the basis of grades and leadership potential.

Guenther O.R. Brann Memorial Scholarship in Biology

Awarded annually to a Biology major for outstanding scholarship, superior character, and financial need.

Lilli Brann Scholarship in Physical Sciences

The Lilli Brann Scholarship in Physical Sciences was given by Mr. E. R. Brann, Class of 1942, of Madison, Wisconsin, in honor of his mother. Awarded annually to the students who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship in their chosen field, superior character in their everyday life, and have financial need.

Crawford Prize in Conservation

Made possible by a gift from Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Crawford. The prize is to be awarded to Berea students who have excelled in environmental studies and who have demonstrated concern for conservation, wildlife preservation, and natural history.

J. Stanton King Science Award

Awarded annually to a junior or senior majoring in Biology, Chemistry, or Physics The student must have exhibited excellence in both academic and personal life. The American Association of Clinical Chemistry established the award in honor of Dr. J. Stanton King, a Berea alumnus.

Waldemar Noll Prize in Physics

Presented annually to the senior Physics major with the highest scholastic standing in the major field, the prize is established in memory of Dr. Waldemar Noll, former Professor of Physics at Berea College.

Underwood-Alger Biology Scholars

The scholarship is awarded to students who have declared a major in Biology and who have exhibited excellence in scholarship, as well as financial need.