
Law schools neither require nor recommend any particular major or course selections as preparation for legal studies. Berea College prepares students for the study of law through developing abilities to read, write, and reason well about a broad range of issues. As is true for other colleges and universities, Berea does not have a major in Pre-Law.

Students interested in law should choose an academic major based on their interests, while preparing themselves for law school by developing their abilities to read difficult texts, to write structured, argumentative prose, and to reason rigorously about texts. Whatever a student’s academic major, good preparation for the study of law requires demonstrated excellence in a broad, academically rigorous curriculum, such as courses in a foreign language, writing, literature, mathematics, history, the social sciences, or philosophy. Berea College’s General Education program—especially core courses (GSTRs) and Practical Reasoning requirements—provide opportunities for students to develop abilities to read, write, and reason well and to demonstrate excellence in a broad undergraduate education of the type that law schools value.

As students consider courses for their first year at Berea, they should use the GSTR 110, GSTR 210, and elective courses to challenge themselves to develop their ability to read, write, and reason carefully about difficult texts. Foreign languages are recommended to fulfill the International Perspective requirement in the General Education program. A demanding, non-quantitative Practical Reasoning (PR) course also is recommended.

Two courses recommended for any student interested in law include PHI 106 and PHI 104. Students interested in attending organized opportunities to visit law schools, prepare for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and meet professionals pursuing a variety of careers in law should contact Dr. Robert Hoag who serves as campus coordinator for students interested in the study of law. Dr. James Butler also assists pre-law students by preparing them for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT).