
While every veterinary program has its own requirements for entry, there are some commonalities. For example, Chemistry I and Chemistry II, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Physics are courses required by all 32 veterinary programs in the United States and Canada. Veterinary programs have high undergraduate GPA standards, generally a 3.2 minimum overall GPA. It also is important to have a broad understanding of the field and applied practical experience in some aspect of veterinary medicine. This can be obtained through academically supervised internships and field studies. Students may enter veterinary colleges from a number of majors. Most students pursue degrees in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Biology, or Chemistry. Due to the residency stipulations, it is strongly suggested that all students work with Berea’s pre-veterinary advisor, Dr. Neil Douglas, in the Agriculture and Natural Resources department, to ensure they meet the qualifications and to certify residency for many of the programs.