
Services provided by CHS include: a) acute care (sore throats, urinary tract infections, bronchitis, sexually transmitted diseases, etc); b) chronic care (diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.); c) screenings/health maintenance (pap smears, sports and other physicals, health education, immunizations, etc); d) emergent care (suturing, splinting, or appropriate referral to a specialist). For an appointment call ext 3212.

Having paid the required health fee each term, students are entitled to unlimited visits at CHS for no additional charge. For some tests that are run in the office, there might be an additional charge. By paying an additional health fee each term, students’ spouses and children ages 3-23, also will be seen. CHS provides some immunizations to patients at cost. These include flu vaccine, tetanus boosters, meningitis, hepatitis A & B, and various other immunizations necessary for travel to certain countries.

Allergy injections ordered by an allergist are given to students during regular CHS hours at no charge. TB testing is done for a fee.

Prescriptions ordered by CHS providers may be filled at the student’s expense at any pharmacy. Students who accumulate large bills for ongoing medication or treatment are encouraged to apply for additional financial aid.

Prescriptions are not covered by the College health-insurance policy.

Crutches are available for loan when ordered by CHS or another physician. There is a $50 charge applied to the student’s account for crutches not returned to CHS.

Missed Health Service Appointment Charges

A $10.00 missed appointment fee will be assessed for students who do not call or formally cancel scheduled one-hour appointments. A $5.00 fee will be assessed for students who do not call or formally cancel scheduled half-hour appointments. See also Student Accounts, Term Bills, and Payment Plan

Summer Services

Students who pay the summer health fee will be seen, as during the school year, for no charge. Graduating seniors are eligible for service up to three months beyond graduation at no extra charge.

Health Insurance Requirement

All students attending Berea College are required to carry health insurance through the College. For those students who are covered by parental or individual plans, this mandatory College policy serves as secondary, “excess” coverage. The policy provides primary coverage for students with no other insurance.

The insurance premium is part of the Student Expense budget and reflected there as a fee. Students’ dependents may be added to the College plan at an additional premium. For those students who are covered by parental or individual plans, the mandatory College policy serves as secondary, “excess” coverage.

Policy benefits and exclusions are explained in a brochure sent to each student along with an insurance card each term. This card must be presented when seeking medical care, other than at CHS, such as at an emergency room or a specialist’s office. Students are responsible for submitting claim forms. The College Health Service Office Manager may assist with this task.

Laboratory Procedures

Some laboratory procedures ordered by and done in CHS are provided at no charge to students. For others, there is a fee. Laboratory, x-ray, and other diagnostic procedures not available in CHS usually are available at St. Joseph Berea Hospital and are the student’s responsibility for payment. Usually these charges can be billed to the student’s health insurance plan. Any outstanding balance is the student’s responsibility.

Special Consultations/Considerations

CHS refers students to various specialists and sub-specialists when necessary. The fees associated with such referrals often are covered in part, if not in total, by health insurance. Charges not covered are the responsibility of the student.

Students who miss College Health Service scheduled appointments for psychiatric consultation without giving 24 hours prior notice will be assessed a $15 missed-appointment fee that will be charged to the Student Account.


Inpatient services, including some surgeries, are available at St. Joseph Berea Hospital. Physicians who hospitalize patients will follow the patient in consultation with CHS physicians. All costs of hospitalization, including specialists’ fees, will be billed to the student’s insurance. Any outstanding balance will be the student’s responsibility.

After-Hours Care

When CHS is closed, a physician is on call at all times for phone consultation. The on-call physician is accessed by calling the hospital operator (859-986-3151) and asking for the physician on call for CHS.


If a situation is deemed a health/illness emergency, care should be sought at the St. Joseph Berea Hospital Emergency Room, whose doctors and nurses are available for phone consultation to determine whether an emergency exists. Emergency room expenses not covered by insurance are the student/patient’s responsibility.


The services of the College physicians are available only at CHS on the second floor of St. Joseph Berea Hospital. Residence hall or home visits are not provided. If a student has an emergency and is unable to get to the office or hospital, an ambulance should be called. If time permits, a member of the Residence Life staff should be contacted before the ambulance service is called. The student is responsible for the ambulance charge.

Off-Campus Emergencies

When a health emergency arises during approved off-campus activities, the College-designated person-in-charge shall confer with the CHS physician, if at all possible. When the emergency is such that the student can safely be brought back to campus, s/he will be placed in the care of the College physicians. When an emergency is such that the student cannot be brought back to campus safely, the student shall be cared for at the nearest appropriate facility.


The relationship between physicians and patients and between other health-care providers or counselors and students always is confidential. CHS records are confidential and all records are managed according to HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act guidelines (see below). Patient information is not revealed to other College personnel or parents without the informed, written consent of the student/patient except in cases of extreme urgency in which the life or safety of the patient or other persons is at risk. All employees at CHS are required to sign a confidentiality agreement.

At times, health providers are required by law to report infectious diseases to public health officials. Patients will be informed when reporting of this information is mandatory.

CHS complies with and abides by the provisions of HIPAA. At the first visit, all patients are asked to sign a form stating they have received information about HIPAA. Patient access to professional records also is subject to the Records Access and Protections provision in this publication.

Medical Excuses

The College Health Service staff will not provide written excuses due to illness or CHS visits. Students who miss class or work for medical reasons should tell the instructor or supervisor in advance, if possible. Instructors or supervisors may request supporting information, as appropriate, in writing with the student’s signed authorization for release of medical information.

Human Subject Research

Students occasionally are asked to be part of, or participate in, research conducted by faculty and other students. Student participation in this type of research is voluntary and subject to the College’s Human Subject Research Guidelines and Procedures, which are available in the office of the Dean of Faculty. Any student who has questions about the nature of the research in which he or she is or might be involved should contact the Dean.