WGS 124 Intro to Women's & Gender Stds

What is Women's and Gender Studies? What is feminism? What have been the historic roles of women in the United States? In the world? How are women's experiences similar? How do they differ? How do class, race, and ethnicity shape gender development? Any student who has ever asked her/himself any of these questions can begin to explore answers in this introductory course in Women's and Gender Studies. The interdisciplinary field of Women's Studies draws from the often neglected experience of women in order to describe, analyze, and more fully understand the gendered world order. Students will read several primary-source selections from each of the different eras of the international feminist movement, as well as complementary texts in women's history and literature. This introduction to Women's and Gender Studies will engage students in a deeply personal and academic journey that involves classroom discussion of individuals' perceptions and critiques, and journal responses to both discussion and reading African Americans', Appalachians', and Women's Perspective. 1 Course Credit


1 Course Credit