2014-2015 Catalog
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2014-2015 Catalog
» HHP - Health and Human Performance
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HHP - Health and Human Performance
HHP 117 Christmas Country Dance School
HHP 125 Foundations of Physical Educ
HHP 200 Survival Swimming
HHP 203 Individualized Phys Education
HHP 204 Yoga (AST)
HHP 205 Tai Chi (AST)
HHP 206 Intercollegiate Sports
HHP 206A Intercollegiate Soccer - Men
HHP 206B Intercollegiate Soccer - Women
HHP 206C Intercollegiate Tennis-Women
HHP 206D Intercollegiate Cross Country
HHP 206E Intercollegiate Swimming
HHP 206F Intercoll Volleyball-Women
HHP 206G Intercoll Basketball - Women
HHP 206H Intercoll Basketball - Men
HHP 206I Intercoll Track & Field - Men
HHP 206J Intercoll Track & Field-Women
HHP 206K Intercollegiate Tennis - Men
HHP 206L Intercollegiate Baseball
HHP 206M Intercollegiate Golf
HHP 206N Intercollegiate Softball
HHP 206P Middle Eastern Dance Ensemble
HHP 206U Christmas Country Dance School
HHP 206Y Modern Dance Troupe
HHP 206Z Country Dancers
HHP 207 Track & Field
HHP 209 Adv Begin & Intermediate Swim
HHP 211 Self Defense and Martial Arts
HHP 213 Golf
HHP 214 Badminton - Tennis
HHP 215 Aerobic Dance
HHP 216 B.A.M.-Bodies Always in Motion
HHP 218 Weight Training
HHP 220 Stress Management
HHP 221 Weight Management
HHP 222 Water Fitness
HHP 223 Outdoor Adventure Activities
HHP 224 Modern Dance I
HHP 226 Racquetball
HHP 227 Movement for the Stage
HHP 228 Social and Folk Dance
HHP 229 Beginning Jazz Dance
HHP 230 Beginning Ballet
HHP 231 Self Defense & Martial Arts II
HHP 233 Dance in Healing & Therapy
HHP 234 Gymnastics
HHP 235 Middle Eastern Dance & Culture
HHP 236 Volleyball & Recreation Games
HHP 237 Hiking & Campcraft
HHP 238 Fencing
HHP 242 Scuba
HHP 244 Phys Educ Actv for Elem Child
HHP 245 Dance Education
HHP 246 Individual & Team Sports I
HHP 247 Individual & Team Sports II
HHP 248 World Dance
HHP 249 Dancing Through Space & Time
HHP 250 Aquatics
HHP 254 Principles of Coaching
HHP 259 Ballroom Dance
HHP 260 Care & Prevent Athletic Injury
HHP 280 Adapted Physical Education
HHP 286 Special Topics
HHP 305 Improvisation & Choreography
HHP 310 Adv Swim - Lifeguard Training
HHP 315 Motor Behavior Across Lifespan
HHP 332 Modern Dance II
HHP 335 Integ Biomech & Exercise Phy I
HHP 340 Integ Biomec & Exercise Phy II
HHP 360 Advanced Athletic Training
HHP 362 Tchg & Evaluation in Phys Educ
HHP 386 Special Topics
HHP 390A Independent Study
HHP 390B Independent Study w/o ALE
HHP 395 Internship
HHP 397A Team Initiated Study
HHP 397B Team Initiated Studty w/o ALE
HHP 398 Directed Study
HHP 486 Special Topics
HHP 490A Independent Study
HHP 490B Independent Study w/o ALE
HHP 492 Physical Education Seminar
HHP 495 Internship
HHP 497A Team Initiated Study
HHP 497B Team Initiated Study w/o ALE
HHP 498 Directed Study