2014-2015 Catalog
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2014-2015 Catalog
» HIS - History
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HIS - History
HIS 101 Western Civilization I
HIS 102 West Civ II:Std in Gendr (WGS)
HIS 122 History of China (AST)
HIS 123 History of Japan (AST)
HIS 130 Albion & Eire: British Isles
HIS 131 Britain & the Emp, 1688 to Pre
HIS 140 History of Spain (SPN)
HIS 161 American History to 1865
HIS 162 American History Since 1865
HIS 165 Intro to Afr Amer His(AFR)
HIS 175 His & Pol of Arab-Isr (PSC)
HIS 186 Special Topics
HIS 200 Intro to Historical Study
HIS 201 Amer Political Thought(PSC)
HIS 202 Christians & Pagans (REL)
HIS 209 Classical Greek Civilization
HIS 210 Classical Roman Civ (LAT)
HIS 215 Christianity to 1600 (REL)
HIS 223 Hist of Pre-Modern Middle East
HIS 224 20th Century World History
HIS 229 Modern Imperialism (AST)
HIS 231 The Holocaust
HIS 240 Islam (REL)
HIS 253 Appalachian America (APS)
HIS 260 Survey of African His (AFR)
HIS 270 Recent History of Middle East
HIS 286 Special Topics
HIS 310 Seminar in U. S. History
HIS 311 Seminar: Medieval History
HIS 314 Renaissance and Reformation
HIS 315 19th Cent Europe:Rev&Indus Nat
HIS 316 20th Cent Europe:Div & Recon
HIS 322 Sem in Chinese History (AST)
HIS 323 Sem in Japanese History (AST)
HIS 335 Topic Sem-Modern European His
HIS 355 Sem in American Rel Hist (REL)
HIS 356 Sem: African-Amer History(AFR)
HIS 386 Special Topics
HIS 390A Independent Study
HIS 390B Independent Study w/o ALE
HIS 395 Internship
HIS 397A Team Initiated Study
HIS 397B Team Initiated Study w/o ALE
HIS 398 Directed Study
HIS 406 Senior Seminar in History
HIS 486 Special Topics
HIS 490A Independent Study
HIS 490B Independent Study
HIS 495 Internship
HIS 497A Team Initiated Study
HIS 497B Team Initiated Study w/o ALE
HIS 498 Directed Study