Length of Initial Faculty Appointment

The term of appointment awarded a new faculty member typically ranges between one and three years. Faculty reappointments for full-time faculty are generally three years in length, with five-year appointments possible for faculty members employed for five or more years at the Institute and who hold academic rank of Associate Professor or higher. Department chairs and deans generally receive initial faculty appointments that are five years in length. Administrative appointments, e.g., department chair, dean, associate provost, provost, are granted on a year-to-year basis (or: are renewed annually, at the discretion of the Provost, subject to satisfactory performance and Institute need). Guidelines and procedures for reappointment are in Section 3 of this Handbook.

Professor and Associate Professor

The initial appointment to the rank of professor or associate professor may be made for a term of one to three years; typically the initial appointment will be for three years.

Assistant Professor

The initial appointment to the rank of assistant professor may be made for a term of one to three years; typically the initial appointment will be for two years.


The initial appointment to the rank of Instructor will be made for a term of up to one year.

Temporary faculty appointments of less than 10 months will be considered on a limited basis and must be approved by the Office of the Provost. Temporary faculty appointments of less than 10 months will not accrue vacation benefits and are eligible for up to 40 hours of sick time as outlined in the Massachusetts Sick Time Law. Sick time does not cash out.