Procedures for Initial Consideration of Rank

Professor and Associate Professor

For a prospective faculty member being recommended at the rank of professor or associate professor the dean or director will submit an Application for Rank along with the candidate’s CV to the Office of the Provost. The Office of the Provost will forward the Application for Rank and the candidate’s CV to the Appointment and Promotion Committee. The committee is entitled to request additional documentation.

The committee shall review all documentation and by majority vote make a recommendation for rank in writing to the Office of the Provost within two business days. This recommendation is to be accompanied by a supporting explanation from the committee. The Provost will then review the recommendation and, if approved, recommend the appointment to the President and Board of Trustees at the next quarterly meeting.

In the case where there is disagreement between the dean or director, the committee, and the Provost, a meeting may be scheduled to arrive at consensus. If consensus cannot be achieved, the final decision will be made by the Provost. If the Provost endorses the recommendation, the Provost will recommend the appointment to the Board of Trustees. If the Provost or Board of Trustees rejects the recommendation, it will be returned to the dean or director with an explanation of rejection.

Assistant Professor and Instructor

A prospective faculty member being recommended by the dean or director at the rank of assistant professor or instructor shall be considered for initial assignment of rank via electronic request to the Office of the Provost. The dean or director will submit an Application for Rank to recommend an initial assignment of rank along with the candidate’s CV.  The Provost may request additional documentation from the dean or director.

The Provost shall review all documentation and approve rank in writing to the referring dean or director within two business days. The recommendation may be accompanied by whatever explanation the Provost deems appropriate. In the absence of the Provost, the President may make the determination of rank.