Appeals Procedure for Grade Grievance

  • The student sends a written request to the Dean of the SON to initiate an appeal and copies the Assistant Dean. The Assistant Dean notifies the Appeals Committee Chair to request a hearing and assures that proper procedures are followed.
  • The Appeals Committee Chair:
    • Identifies the three faculty members comprising the Hearing Panel, and appoints a Chair of the Hearing Panel
    • Sets a date and time for a hearing within 10 business days of student request, during the academic calendar.
    • Invites the student and the involved faculty/administrators to submit documentation to the Administrative Assistant to the Appeals Committee. Documentation must be received at least three days prior to appeal meeting date.
    • Ensures that all documentation is distributed by the Administrative Assistant to the student, the hearing panel members, appropriate Program Director, the Assistant Dean, the Dean, and involved faculty/administrators. Documentation must be distributed at least three days prior to appeal meeting date.
    • After the hearing, ensures that the Chair of the Hearing Panel reminds all parties involved to delete all electronic documentation, and collects all hard copy documentation and destroys it.

Procedure for the Hearing Panel meeting:

  • Hearing Panel meets privately, and reviews charge and process.
  • Student and involved faculty/administrators join the meeting.
  • Both student and involved faculty/administrators may bring one support person (i.e. advisor, family member, peer, or significant other) but such person cannot be a legal representative or lawyer and may not speak for the student prior to or during the proceedings.
  • Faculty/administrators may present only objective data. Personal opinions or recommendations are prohibited.
  • Involved faculty/administrator has the opportunity to present her/his case: maximum 20 minutes.
  • Student has the opportunity to present her/his case: maximum 20 minutes.
  • The Hearing Panel members have the opportunity to ask questions of the student and faculty/administrators.
  • When the Hearing Panel is fully informed, student and all non-panel persons are excused.
  • Panel deliberations are confidential. Recommendations are made by simple majority vote of the 3 members of the Hearing Panel.
  • The Hearing Panel Chair communicates the recommendation of the panel to the Appeals Committee Chair who then communicates the recommendation in writing to the Dean and copies the Assistant Dean for Student Success within three business days.
  • The Dean communicates the decision in writing to the student within ten business days of the hearing, with copies to the notify the student, faculty of record, faculty advisor, Program Director, Assistant Dean, Dean of Students and Registrar.
  • The only method to reverse the appeals committee decision is via the IHP Hearing Committee, as outlined in the IHP catalog.
  • Involved faculty have no further responsibility.

All original written documents reside in the School of Nursing.