Process for Challenging a Grade

  • Grading is the prerogative of the faculty and is based upon a student's performance against a clearly articulated set of assignments, expectations, and standards.
  • Arbitrary grades may be challenged and are defined as:
    • assigned to a student on some basis other than performance in the course according to grading criteria published in the course syllabus; or,
    • assigned to a student using grading criteria that was different from those applied to other students in that course; or,
    • assigned to a student if the course rubric was not followed; or,
    • assigned to a student if the course grade was miscalculated.
  • If a student questions a grade, the student must first notify the faculty of record. It is highly recommended that the student and the faculty member then meet to try to resolve the dispute. At any such meetings between the student and faculty member, the faculty member will keep written documentation of the efforts to resolve the dispute.
  • If the grade in question is not resolved, the following steps are to be followed:
    • The student completes a (Appendix F-Grade Challenge Form)  identifying their understanding of the arbitrary grading based on the criteria noted above. The student sends a copy of the written notification of concerns to each of the following individuals: the faculty of record, the faculty advisor, the Program Director and the Assistant Dean.
    • A meeting will be called by the Assistant Dean to include the student, the faculty member, and the Assistant Dean. This meeting will be scheduled within 10 business days of receipt of the written notification. The purpose of the meeting is to attempt to resolve the matter.
  • Final disposition of grading rests with the faculty of record. The student will be notified of the final disposition within 3 business days of the conclusion of this meeting.

If the dispute is not resolved in the meeting with student, faculty, and Assistant Dean, the student may request an Appeals Committee hearing following the Appeal Procedure listed below.