CAPK - Capstone

CAPK 497 Kendall Integrative Sr Project

CAP 497 SENIOR CAPSTONE PROJECT I (4)* (Title different on ColumnG In the first of a two-course sequence senior students will collaborate on a complex project. Special emphasis is placed on project-management strategies, research skills, a nd team development. Prerequisites: senior standing; BUS 302 for business students; HOS 462 for meeting and event students; CUL 122, CUL 232, CUL 372, and CUL 436 for culinary arts students; HOS 241 and BUS 470 for hospitality management students *Course fee applies


CAPK 498 Kendall Integrative Senior Project II

In this second of a two-course sequence, senior students write and present their final project including supporting documentation such as a business plan, event reports, infographics, market analysis, etc.Students prepare a showcase of the teams' original collaborative work through visual and oral presentations. Prerequisite: CAP 497 *Course fee applies