CPL - Credit for Prior Learning

CPL 400 Credit Portfolio Assessment in the Discipline

This course serves as a platform for demonstrating undergraduate or graduate-level knowledge and skills equivalent to a course in an academic discipline offered by National Louis University. Students critically reflect on and analyze their experiences, skills, and knowledge obtained outside of a formal academic learning environment and connect them to equivalent course competencies and outcomes. Students articulate these learning and application connections and submit evidence of learning in a portfolio. Credit for the discipline course will be applied upon demonstrating proficiency in meeting the discipline-specific course outcomes. This course may be repeated up to 3 times. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101; significant experience, skills, and knowledge in a professional or academic field; and permission of Credit for Prior Learning Office. Additional pre-requisites may be established by the Programs granting discipline credit. Co-requisite(s): None. 1.5 quarter hours


CPL 500 Credit Portfolio Assessment in the Discipline

This course serves as a platform for demonstrating undergraduate or graduate-level knowledge and skills equivalent to a course in an academic discipline offered by National Louis University. Students critically reflect on and analyze their experiences, skills, and knowledge obtained outside of a formal academic learning environment and connect them to equivalent course competencies and outcomes. Students articulate these learning and application connections and submit evidence of learning in a portfolio. Credit for the discipline course will be applied upon demonstrating proficiency in meeting the discipline-specific course outcomes. This course may be repeated up to 3 times. Pre-requisite(s): LAE 101; significant experience, skills, and knowledge in a professional or academic field; and permission of Credit for Prior Learning Office. Additional pre-requisites may be established by the Programs granting discipline credit. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 semester hour