RES - Research Methods

RES 200 Research, Writing, and Analysis

This course prepares students to be successful in the research, writing, and analysis of evidence-based arguments and defenses. Students embark on the early stages of research and build upon their knowledge of APA writing to apply its rules in critical writing papers, reports, articles, discussion board posts, and other writing assignments asked of them while obtaining their undergraduate degree. Students continue to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills; engage in self-assessment; and strengthen their information literacy and digital literacy skills. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 1 quarter hour


RES 510 Research Methodology and Writing

This course reviews the principles of graduate academic writing and introduces students to principles and methods of applied research for social sciences and professional programs. It prepares students to apply writing and research skills to both future coursework in their respective programs and their professional careers. The course emphasizes the research context for decision making, program evaluation, information assessment, and clear communication of findings. Pre-requisite(s): None. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RES 520 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

This course provides an overview of quantitative and qualitative approaches used in identifying and solving challenges in a wide variety of fields, including business and management, health and human services, and social and behavioral sciences. Aided by spreadsheet applications software, students gather, sort, and manipulate data; compute statistics related to central tendency and variance; identify trends and patterns; forecast/predict future values of data; and coupled with information gathered in qualitative analysis, recommend actions and/or identify opportunities for additional research and inquiry. They further communicate their findings to varied audiences in visually rich communications. Pre-requisite(s): Graduate standing; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RES 600 Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Research

This course introduces students enrolled in selected professional doctoral programs to doctoral studies and various methods of conducting and evaluating research in their corresponding specialties and areas of interest. Students acquire knowledge and skills to identify potential researchable issues and questions. They also learn how to develop plans to conceptualize, conduct, and implement research projects. Students engage in small-scale applied research projects and select published research for evaluation and critique. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to a doctoral program; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RES 650 Data-Driven Decision Making and Research

In this course students study methodologies, assumptions,. and techniques for collection and analysis of. organizational data. The course includes a review of current research and trends in data-driven decision making. Throughout the course students analyze cases to develop a practitioner's knowledge of research, evaluation, and data use for organizational improvement. Pre-requisite(s): RES 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RES 652 Quantitative Research Method

This course provides an introduction to quantitative methods for research. Topics covered include research design, statistical inference and significance testing, correlation, t-tests, ANOVA, regression, and non-parametric tests for categorical data. Pre-requisite(s): RES 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Prior undergraduate or graduate course in statistics recommended. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours


RES 654 Qualitative Research Methods

This course develops and enhances the knowledge of qualitative research methods. Students explore diverse and complex contexts of research and ways to conceptualize, conduct, and evaluate qualitative research with an emphasis on research designs and strategies for data collection and analysis. Students engage in critical discussions surrounding qualitative research validation criteria, research ethics, aesthetics, and other considerations. Pre-requisite(s): RES 600; or permission of Program Chair or designate. Co-requisite(s): None. 3 semester hours