Comprehensive Qualifying Examinations

In most programs, a doctoral student must successfully complete a comprehensive examination prior to beginning formal work on his or her dissertation. Each of the doctoral programs determines the format and scope of the comprehensive exam. Students must register for CCD 697 Comprehensive/Qualifying Doctoral Exam Continuation for each term in which they have no other registration, but have not yet passed their comprehensive exams. At least two faculty members and the program director (or designee) of the respective program evaluate the exam. The program director notifies the student in writing concerning the results of the exam. The program director will inform the NCE Director of Doctoral Programs and the student’s advisor of the final outcome. Once a student has passed the comprehensive examination he or she is eligible to register for ESR 604 Dissertation Proposal Seminar and CCD 699 Dissertation. If a student fails the comprehensive examination, the student will not be allowed to proceed to dissertation.