Engineering Technology - Advanced Manufacturing (ENGNR-AS)

This program offers a sequence of courses that provides coherent and rigorous content aligned with challenging academic standards and relevant technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers in the manufacturing career cluster; provides technical skill proficiency, and includes competency-based applied learning that contributes to the academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem-solving skills, work attitudes, general employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge of all aspects of the manufacturing career cluster. The program consists of general education requirements and a set of Engineering Technology Core courses which leads to the college credit certificate, Engineering Technology Support Specialist.  The program Engineering Technology Core aligns with the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council’s (MSSC). MSSC skill standards define the knowledge, skills, and performance needed for manufacturing workers. After completing the Technical Core and the General Education requirements, students should be prepared to pass the MSSC - CPT Certified Production Technician (CPT) Certification. A student can also acquire practical working experience by participating in our Co-op opportunities with local manufacturers.  We strongly encourage that you contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in your decision to take coursework and in the planning of your program of study.  The Engineering Technology AS program requires students to select one of two specializations; Advanced Manufacturing or Mechanical Design and Fabrication.

Degree Requirements

General Education Courses (16 hours)

ENC 1101CEnglish Composition I^***+

3 cc

Humanities/Fine Arts Elective (Category II)***

3 cc

Social/Behavioral Sciences Elective (Category III)**

3 cc

General Elective (Category V)***

3 cc

MAC 1105College Algebra^***

3 cc

SPC 1006CBasic Speaking and Listening Skills#

1 cc

Unless specific courses are listed, see general education page for course options in each category.

Engineering Technology Core Courses (18 hours)

CGS 1061CIntroduction to Computers in Technology

3 cc

EET 2084CIntroduction to Electronics^

3 cc

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics^

3 cc

ETI 1110Introduction to Quality Assurance

3 cc

ETI 1420Mechanical Processes & Materials

3 cc

ETI 1701Industrial Safety

3 cc

Specialization Courses (18 hours)

EET 1015CDirect Current Circuits

3 cc

EET 1025CAlternating Current Circuits^

3 cc

EET 2215CInstrumentation Electronics^

3 cc

ETM 2315CHydraulics and Pneumatics

3 cc

ETS 2511CMotors and Controls^

3 cc

ETS 2542CProgrammable Logic Controller (PLC) Fundamentals^

3 cc

Electives (8 hours)

Choose 8 credits hours from the following list of courses:

CET 1112CDigital Fundamentals

3 cc

CET 1600CNetwork Fundamentals^

3 cc

CET 1634CTelecommunications Distribution Systems

3 cc

CET 2113CDigital Circuits^

3 cc

CTS 1155Help Desk Technician^

3 cc

EET 2948Electronic Technology Co-op

2 cc

ETD 2340Computer Drafting^

3 cc

ETM 1010Mechanical Measurement & Instrumentation

3 cc

Total: 60
