Mechanical Designer/Programmer Technical Certificate (MECH-CT)

The Mechanical Designer / Programmer Certificate reflects the culmination of those learned skills and proficiencies that allow a student become proficient in 3D mechanical design with the use of Solidworks and Inventor. Students have the opportunity to acquire certifications in MasterCam 2D & 3D toolpath processes and programming. At completion students should be prepared to take the Solidworks certificate exam. Students will process their designs on various Haas machining centers. There are employment opportunities as a Mechanical Designer in the local and regional areas. While working on your classes you may choose to co-op to gain valuable working experiences as you learn. This certificate can be completed in two semesters allowing you to start a new career in the machining and fabrication industry as a Mechanical Designer / Programmer. All courses used in the certificate are also applicable to the Engineering Technology A.S., Specialization: Mechanical Design & Fabrication degree.

We strongly encourage that you contact the Engineering Technology Department for assistance in your decision to take coursework and in the planning of your program of study.

Certificate Requirements

Required Courses

EGN 1123Engineering Graphics^

3 cc

ETI 2414Computer-Aided Manufacturing MasterCam-Mill 2-D & Solidworks

4 cc

ETD 2364Computer Aided Design 3-D (MasterCam-Mill 3-D & SolidWorks)^

4 cc

ETI 1931Special Topics in Mechanical Design^

1 cc

Total: 12
