Incomplete Grades

A student may be assigned a mark of I by an instructor when all of the following four criteria apply:

  • Quality of work in the course up to that point is C- level or above.
  • Essential work remains to be done. “Essential” means that a grade for the course could not be assigned without dropping one or more grade points below the level achievable upon completion of the work.
  • Reasons for assigning an I must be acceptable to the instructor. The student does not have the right to demand an I. The circumstances must be unforeseen or be beyond the control of the student. An instructor is entitled to insist on appropriate medical or other documentation.
  • Consultation must have occurred and a formal agreement must be reached between instructor and student.

A written record of the remaining work and its completion date should be kept by both instructor and student. The instructor may specify the highest grade that may be earned. This should not exceed the level of achievement displayed during the normal course period.

The deadline for completion of an Incomplete can be no longer than one year. The instructor may set a shorter deadline which shall be binding. An agreement to a longer period must be by petition to the Scholastic Standards Committee.

For undergraduate courses, failure to make up the incomplete by the end of one calendar year will result in the mark of I automatically changing to a grade of F or NP, depending on the grading option chosen by the student at registration. The instructor, department chair, or dean may set earlier deadlines.

For graduating students, incomplete grades will be automatically changed to a grade of F or NP prior to conferral of the degree. The faculty of record must file supplemental grade changes no later than 30 days after the degree is awarded. Grades of F or NP will remain on the academic record after the degree is awarded and cannot be removed.

In cases where a student’s inability to complete the work by the deadline is due to extraordinary circumstances such as catastrophic injury or illness, petition can be made to the Scholastic Standards Committee who will review the case to determine appropriate action.