EDU 569 Assessment and Evaluation of English Language Learners (ELLs)

This course allows participants to view current school-based assessments through psychometric and socio-cultural models of assessment focusing on how schools measure language and achievement for ELLs. Through a unified theory of construct validity, participants will identify the purpose, instrument, method, and the use of assessments and evaluations most appropriate and valid for ELLs. This course explores relationships of assessment to instruction, data driven instruction (DDI), consequences of assessments, test score interpretation, state and federal assessment policies, and those assessments unique for ELLs. Teacher candidates learn how to develop assessment instruments aligned with Bilingual Common Core and English Language Proficiency Standards as well as develop a conceptual understanding of basic psychometric concepts (grade level equivalent, percentile rank, cut-off scores, standard error of measurement) and how best to apply these concepts in schools with ELLs. This course has a co-requisite 25-hour field placement practicum.




EDU 519


EDU 567


Every year