EXSS 6090 Comprehensive Exam

Candidates for any of the master’s degrees in the College of Education (Department of Exercise Sport Science) must satisfactorily pass a comprehensive examination. A graduate student must be admitted to candidacy for a degree before he/she will be allowed to take the comprehensive examination. The policies and procedures for the comprehensive examinations are available in the Department of Exercise Sport Science secretary’s office. Early in their degree program students should review the requirements for taking the examination. Students whose performance on the comprehensive examination is unsatisfactory may reschedule an examination at the next regular administration, or, at the discretion of the dean, at an earlier time. Five hours are allowed for the completion of the written portion of the exam. Unless departmental requirements are more limiting, students who attempt the comprehensive examination two times and are not successful, will be dropped from the graduate program.


EXSS 6270 Socio-Cultural Context of Sport

A philosophical examination of cultural influences affecting contemporary sport managers. Emphasis on historical influences, philosophical ethos, economical volatility, political pressures, the legal system, education, and ethical dilemmas revealed through sport and from sport participants.


EXSS 6275 Sport Law

An examination of the potentially litigious sport activity settings and the applied legal concepts and aspects. Emphasis on tort law, risk management, product liability, constitutional law, contract law, administrative/statutory law, legal system, labor/antitrust law, crowd control, security, and legal research.


EXSS 6320 Performance Nutrition

Sport nutrition is an evolving, dynamic area of exercise and sport science. This course will focus on nutritional assessments, recommendations and evaluations as they relate to the athlete. The specific roles of the energy nutrients, vitamins and minerals will be studied. In addition, the course will include studies in thermoregulatory processes as they relate to water and electrolyte absorption. Laboratory applications will be a primary focus in the class. Prerequisites: EXSS 3395 or equivalent.


EXSS 6330 Fundamentals of Biomechanical Anlys

This course is designed to develop observational and analytical skills as they relate to human movement. Emphasis is placed on developing a systematic approach to analysis. Students will use these skills to evaluate fundamental movement patterns.


EXSS 6335 Marketing in Sport

A survey of marketing concepts through the utilization, application, and initiation of marketing research including promotion, public relations, and sponsorship campaigns designed for the sport industry. Emphasis on marketing plans, fundraising campaigns, corporate sponsorship proposals, assessment of promotional needs and limitations, and development of a comprehensive promotion plan.


EXSS 6340 Manangemnt&Leadership in Sport

An analysis of planning, organizing, leading, and evaluating efforts resulting in the creation of a vision and the establishment of goals for professional and amateur sport organizations. Emphasis on effective management practices, policy development, negotation, conflict resolution, strategic planning, leadership theory, decision-making, problem solving, and event management principles.


EXSS 6350 Readings, Issues, Trnds, Prb w/EXSS

(cross-listed with EDUC 6350) Designed to provide an opportunity for critical analysis and study of selected problems, trends, techniques, and issues in EXSS as presented in published items and research and related to prorams including physical education, athletics, movement and sport sciences.


EXSS 6352 Research Mthds in Exercise Science

This course will explore qualitative research design and analysis. This course will serve as an introduction to statistics, experimental design, and proposal writing. Developmental theory, investigation and gathering of data, statistical analysis and evaluation, and research reporting as these relate to research in exercise science.


EXSS 6355 Clinical Exercise Physiology

Advanced theory and practical application to clinical aspects of exercise physiology, exercise testing and prescription, ECG analysis and interpretation, and pharmacotherapy. Concentration is focused on diseased and disabled populations that are observed in clinical settings. Prerequisite: EXSS 3395 and 4394.


EXSS 6360 Advanced Stats & Applied Research

This course is designed to develop statistical and research techniques involving descriptive, inferential, and non-parametric methods for research applications in the areas of Exercise and Sport Science, Sport Management, and Education. Emphasis is placed on applying correct statistical and research techniques with computer application. Prerequisites: EDAD 6368 or EDUC 6352.


EXSS 6365 Exercise Endocrinology

An in-depth examination of the role of the endocrine system on metabolism and how nutrition affects hormonal control, regulation, substrate availability, catabolism and anabolism. The scope will focus on the role of the endocrine system in response to exercise in the human body. Prerequisite: EXSS 6380 or equivalent.


EXSS 6370 Sport Psychology

An in-depth study an application of the psychological principles relating to the coaching profession. Emphasis will be placed on principles which influence behavior, enhance skill acquisition and maximize sport performance of athletes and coaches involved in sport.


EXSS 6375 Exercise & Nutritional Biochemistry

A study of the biochemistry of humans in relation to nutrition and exercise with an emphasis on the basic elements of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism, the role of nutrition in providing energy, building/repairing tissues and regulating metabolic processes during sports and the degree to which nutrition may enhance fitness. Prerequisite: EXSS 6380 or equivalent.


EXSS 6380 Advanced Exercise Physiology

This course will focus on aerobic and anaerobic sport performance to include cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic processes. The course will include broad testing methodologies in fitness, body composition, aerobic and anaerobic capacity, nutritional factors and thermoregulatory processes. Extensive use of laboratory application will be a primary focus in the class. Prerequisites: BIOL 2440 and EXSS 3395 or equivalent.


EXSS 6381 Musculoskeletal & Biomechncl Assmt

This course is designed to develop observational and analytical skill as they relate to human movement. In addition, this course is designed to provide advanced athletic training and rehabilitation knowledge in a didactic and practical setting.


EXSS 6385 Advanced Athletic Training & Rehab

Designed to provide advanced athletic training and rehabilitation knowledge in a didactic and practical setting for teachers and coaches related to injury prevention, athletic injury evaluation, emergency care, and rehabilitation aspects of sports medicine.


EXSS 6395 Internship
