The Advisor's Role

To achieve the goals of academic advising at Berea College, advisors, with support from the advising program, are responsible for: being knowledgeable of and communicating college policy and the requirements of the curriculum, General Education, and academic and labor programs; monitoring students' progress towards successful degree completion; being available to meet with students on a regular basis; assisting students in finding appropriate institutional resources to promote success and engagement; involving students in academic and career planning processes and in exploring of options and resources; and engaging in developmental activities to stay informed of issues that impact student success.

Academic advising at Berea College is designed to provide support for students as they take on increasing responsibility for their learning and development. The advising program has three primary stages.

  • In the first year, each student’s academic advisor is their instructor in GSTR 110 Writing Seminar I. In combination with the course objectives, first-year advisors focus on helping students make the transition to fully engaged college students.  Advisors also introduce students to the various campus resources that are available to assist the transition and prepare students for academic, personal, and professional success.
  • In the second term, some students will be relatively certain regarding their area of academic and professional interest and will select an academic area for further exploration. For the second year, these students will be placed with advisors who have academic training in those areas. Students who remain uncertain regarding career and academic pursuits will be assigned a second-year advisor who will focus on helping students evaluate their skills, interests, and aspirations and help them identify an area of academic pursuit. The designation of area of academic interest will take place as part of the Labor Day.
  • Once students have declared and been accepted into majors (often in the spring term of the second year), they will be assigned advisors who contribute extensively in the teaching for that major. These major advisors work to help students identify and take advantage of learning opportunities within the major and beyond and ensure that students continue to make progress towards graduation.

If a student wishes to change a second-year or major advisor, it is the student’s responsibility to complete the appropriate section of the Change of Advisor/Major/Minor/Concentration form, which requires the signatures of both the previous and the new advisors. The Change of Advisor/Major/Minor/Concentration form may be obtained in the Self Serve Room (101 Lincoln Hall), and completed forms are turned in at the Student Service Center.