English, Theatre, and Communication:

Dr. William Taylor Center Memorial Award

Awarded to the student writing the composition that, in the opinion of the judges, best illustrates or analyzes the idea of service to others. The Award is in the memory of Dr. Center, an alumnus of Berea College.

Thomas M. and Janet C. Kreider Theatre Award

The Thomas and Janet Kreider Fund was established in 1987. Dr. Kreider was the Chester D. Tripp Professor of the Humanities (1952-1987) and Mrs. Kreider was Director of Public Relations (1974-1984) at Berea College. Income from the fund enables full-time Berea students seriously interested in any phase of professional theatre to go to a major theatre-drama center to see professionally produced plays and other dramatic performances

Hugh O. Porter Memorial Forensics Award

Awarded to an upperclass student demonstrating excellence in debate, speech or drama, and in forensics events.

Paul Nelson Power Scholarship Award

Established in 1998 by students, friends, and family to honor his boundless energy and enthusiasm for theatre. The award will provide funds to enable students to pursue learning opportunities and experiences in the performing arts. Student-initiated projects may include, but are not limited to travel, study, apprenticeships, and producing or attending performances.

Emily Ann Smith Scholarship

The Emily Ann Smith Scholarship was established by friends and students of Miss Smith to honor excellence in the study of the English language. It is given annually to junior or senior English majors.

May B. Smith English Composition Award

Awarded to a student enrolled in an English course who demonstrates unusual skill in writing non-fiction prose.