Course Syllabi

Each instructor is expected to prepare and distribute to students at the beginning of each term a syllabus for the course in which they are enrolled. The syllabus is to contain the following information:

  • Course goals
  • Course requirements
  • Nature of course content
  • Methods of evaluation, including the approved description of the College’s grading system, and how the instructor will determine a student’s grade
  • Course attendance policy
  • Office hours
  • Disability statement

Course goals are expected to center on desired student outcomes. Requirements should be clearly expressed. Material to be covered during the term should be summarized, though a class period-by-period outline need not be provided. The syllabus should make clear the instructor’s expectations regarding class attendance, describe any consequences for excessive absences, and specify any instances in which absences may be excused.

An electronic copy of the syllabus for each course taught that term is to be submitted to the appropriate Program Chair(s) by the end of the first week of the term. In the case of cross-listed courses, syllabi will be sent to all Program Chairs as appropriate. The Program Chair is responsible for collecting syllabi and insuring that they provide essential information. He or she will keep one copy on file, and forward an electronic copy to the Office of the Registrar. Faculty without a program appointment should submit their syllabi to his or her Division Chair. Syllabi will be retained for at least three years, and used for assessment and planning purposes.