
Berea College is dedicated to a mission of learning, labor and service. In support of this mission, the College provides access to information resources, including computer equipment, computer networks and telecommunications to its students, faculty and staff (collectively, the “College Community”).

 The Berea College Computer and Network Policy (the “Policy”) contains the College’s policy and guidelines governing use of its Information Technology Resources by all members of the College Community. “Information Technology Resources” means, without limitation, all computers, printers, scanners, networks, internet portals, telecommunications equipment and lines, together with all other hardware and software owned or utilized by the College. Information Technology Resources also includes any privately owned hardware or software which is connected to any of the College’s computers, hardware, networks or telecommunications equipment. The College expects each member of the College Community to use these resources responsibly, ethically, and in compliance with this Policy, state and federal laws, and all contractual obligations of the College and third parties with respect to any component of the College’s Information Technology Resources.

 The use of Berea College’s Information Technology Resources is a privilege. If a member of the College Community fails to comply with this policy, relevant laws, or contractual obligations, that member’s privilege to access and to use the College’s Information Technology Resources may be revoked.

 By adopting this Policy, Berea College recognizes that all members of the College Community are bound not only by the Policy but also by state and federal laws including those relating to electronic media, copyrights, privacy and security. Other College policies that relate to this Policy include the Berea College Student Handbook, the Berea College Faculty Manual, and the Berea College Employee Handbook. Each member of the College Community is expected to be familiar with the relevant policies. All questions of interpretation of this Policy should be addressed to the Chief Information Officer.


This policy is intended to:

  • Maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of the College’s Information Technology Resources for all members of the College Community.
  • Promote an equitable sharing of resources among all authorized users.
  • Protect each individual’s privacy and freedom of expression.

At the same time, the College wishes to:

  • Encourage exploration and learning.
  • Help people learn how to become more self-sufficient in using computers and computer networks.
  • Provide information technology resources to support the educational, labor and service missions of the College.