Technology and Applied Design

Division II Chair: N. Gift


Department Chair: M. Mahoney


Faculty: D. Feinberg, G. Mahoney, M. Mahoney and W. Wu




Courses: TAD Courses


Course Sequencing Table: Technology and Applied Design


Major/Minor Requirements: Technology and Applied Design B.S.Technology and Applied Design with a Technology Management Concentration B.S.Technology and Applied Design Artisan Studies Concentration B.S.Technology and Applied Design Engineering and Technology Education Concentration B.S.


Mission Statement

Building on a long tradition, the Technology and Applied Design Department (TAD) at Berea College provides a dynamic and relevant curriculum that engages students in research, design, and production while emphasizing sustainable practices. Through practical, hands-on experiences in traditional and contemporary facilities, the department strives to cultivate critical and creative problem-solvers with the capabilities to identify, analyze, and implement design solutions as responsible citizens of the world.

Areas of Concentration

The Technology and Applied Design Department offers three areas of concentration:

• Technology Management
• Artisan Studies
• Engineering and Technology Education (grades 5-12)

• A general degree is also offered for those students interested in multiple majors/minors

The objective of these offerings is to provide students with a broad professional and liberal-arts education necessary for entrance into careers or into professional or graduate schools. (More on Concentrations below.)


The course work provided includes, but is not limited to, these areas:

• Appalachian Crafts
• Architecture
• Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
• Construction
• Design
• Electricity/Electronics
• Energy and Power Systems
• Graphic Communication
• Manufacturing/Production
• Material Processing/Testing
• Photography
• Prototyping
• Quality Control
• Videography
• Woodworking

Departmental Emphasis

Throughout the department, emphasis is placed on:

• Application
• Design
• Problem Solving
• Quality
• Research
• Sustainability
• Technology

When declaring a major in TAD, a student may select the one of the three concentration options (or the general degree if interested in multiple minors/majors).


Technology Management concentration prepares the student for a variety of leadership positions in a wide range of technology-based career fields. This degree program is designed to give the student a strong background in design, production, communications, and power/energy technologies, combined with a study of management strategies and procedures. Students completing this degree program may pursue careers that include:

• Design Engineering
• Industrial Engineering
• Manufacturing Engineering
• Production Management
• Quality Control
• Sustainable Development

Artisan Studies concentration prepares the student for a variety of career options in a field/subject of specific interest. This degree program is designed to give the student a strong background in design, graphic communications, photography/video, Appalachian crafts, production, and power/energy technologies, combined with a study of management strategies and procedures focused more for the artisan. Students completing this major may pursue careers that include a variety of options, but many are interested in owning their own business. Students completing this degree program may pursue careers that include:

• Entrepreneurship
• Graphic Artistry
• Metal Working/Welding
• Photography
• Woodworking

Engineering and Technology Education concentration prepares students interested in gaining certification to teach in the area of engineering and technology education (grades 5-12). The student must double major in Education Studies (Teaching and Curriculum with Certification) and in Technology and Applied Design (Engineering and Technology Education concentration) to be certified.

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Technology & Applied Design Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:

Technology & Applied Design Student Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate critical thought, analysis, and problem solving ability.

Learning Outcome 2: Demonstrate and apply a design approach.

Learning Outcome 3: Exhibit understanding with appropriate selection and application of materials and their associated processes.

Learning Outcome 4: Develop, design, and produce solutions to problems that necessitate visually driven responses.

Learning Outcome 5: Display comprehension and application of components and systems used for energy collection, control, and transmission

Learning Outcome 6: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the utilization of current hardware and software