Women’s and Gender Studies

Division VI Chair: A. Webb


Department Chair:  L. Strong-Leek


Faculty: B. Crachiolo, B. Korinko, and W. Williams


Website: http://www.berea.edu/wgs/


Courses: WGS Courses

Course Sequencing Table: Womens and Gender Studies


Major/Minor Requirements: Women’s and Gender Studies B.A.Women’s and Gender Studies Minor

Women’s and Gender Studies is an important field of inquiry that arose from the effort to understand gender roles and women’s historic struggle for justice throughout the world. The Women’s and Gender Studies Department explores the diverse experiences, contributions, and perspectives of women and men, offers an interdisciplinary approach to the examination of the cultural construction of gender, and provides a feminist critique of dominant power relationships in the global community (familial, social, economic, and political), as well as an opportunity to manifest Berea College’s commitment to gender equity.

Participants in the Women’s and Gender Studies major not only learn about gender experience from a variety of disciplines, but also directly apply their knowledge in the framework of an internship or directed study. Women’s and Gender Studies students also gain professional experience through Berea College’s Labor Program as teaching associates or as workers in the office of Women’s and Gender Studies. 

The Interdisciplinary Academic Department offers both a major and a minor program in Women’s and Gender Studies.

In addition to supporting students' achievement of the Aims of General Education, the Women's and Gender Studies Department seeks to assist students in meeting the following learning goals and associated learning outcomes:

Women's & Gender Studies Student Learning Goals & Outcomes

Learning Goal 1: Thinking critically about gender, patriarchy, and interracial feminism

Learning Outcome 1.1: Theory and Interpretation

Employ theoretical paradigms and interpretive strategies with regard to gender and race.

Learning Outcome 1.2: Understanding Patriarchy

Demonstrate a critical understanding of patriarchal social systems, including the systemic devaluation, and subordination of women.

Learning Outcome 1.3: Feminism in Different Contexts

Distinguish between the many understandings of the term “feminism,” as diversely employed in various generic and historical contexts.

Learning Goal 2: Hone Writing and Research Skills for Interdisciplinary Gender Analysis

Learning Outcome 2.1: Effective Writing

Construct essays on issues relevant to the study of women and gender that utilize multiple styles of reasoning and pluralistic methods of argumentation appropriate to the discipline.

Learning Outcome 2.2: Research

Conduct formal and informal gender research utilizing a variety of interdisciplinary fields and approaches.

Learning Goal 3: Global Awareness and Appreciation for Diversity

Learning Outcome 3.1: Cross-cultural Awareness

Demonstrate an awareness of the daily lives and experiences of women across cultures.

Learning Outcome 3.2: Intersectional Feminism

Evaluate the intersections of issues of gender, race/ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, religion, and class. 

Learning Goal 4: Develop Feminist Leadership Skills and Personal Empowerment

Learning Outcome 4.1: Enhanced Personal Empowerment

Articulate an enhanced personal empowerment through integrating the diverse areas of the discipline, challenging and interpreting scholarship on gender through shared inquiry in the classroom.

Learning Goal 5: Personal Responsibility to undertake Social Action

Learning Outcome 5.1: Activism

Engage in activities promoting social justice related to women‘s collective interests