MICR 106 Spring MCB Core Course Modules
The final term of a year-long graduate-level course in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, a continuation of BIOC 101 and BIOL 103. These special-topics mini-courses provide more in-depth information about specific areas in biochemistry, cell and molecular biology. Each first-year MCB student must enroll in three sequential modules. Module topics offered each year will vary. Students should contact Janet Cheney for current list of spring-term modules and descriptions.
Pathology and the Analysis of Disease – Spring Core Course
This module is designed to educate students and trainees on distinguishing healthy and diseased states from an anatomical molecular pathology and laboratory medicine perspective. The course will include a combination of didactic lectures, laboratory analyses and group discussions that are led by basic and clinical faculty members. Efforts will be made to involve students in current or recent cases at DHMC once students are HIPAA certified. A graded written case presentation will be required on a topic related to one of the session. Individuals will choose a topic and then be paired with a faculty member for selection and preparation of a case.