School Administration, MA

Initial certification, School Principal

The Lindenwood University school principal preparation program is accredited by the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools ( and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ( The School of Education is also a member in good standing of the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (

The Master of Arts in School Administration meets the needs of those students seeking initial certification as a school principal. The program stresses reflective leadership to foster effective schools. Skills taught prepare students to assume leadership roles in instruction, management, supervision, and problem solving in a creative and effective manner. To be admitted into the Master of Arts in School Administration, all students must meet the following criteria:

  • Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Complete 36 hours of the required graduate coursework.
  • Maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Have passing credit for Education of the Exceptional Child.

To receive the initial principal administration certificate in Missouri, students must

  • Hold a valid professional initial teaching certificate*.
  • Have had two years’ teaching experience.

*Note: In Missouri, School Counselor Certificates, Speech-Language Pathologist certificates, etc. are not considered initial teacher certificates. Students pursuing special education administration will be able to work as administrators in these fields but not as building principals unless the valid professional initial teaching certificate is also held, in addition to two years teaching experience. See the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for more information.


Core Curriculum

The following core courses are required for all students completing a master of arts in education:

EDU 50500Analysis of Teaching and Learning Behavior


EDU 57000Educational Research


EDU 52000Curriculum Analysis and Design


One of the following:

EDU 51000Conceptualization of Education


EDU 51010Conceptualization of Education for Beginning Teachers


Content Curriculum

In addition to the core courses listed above, all master’s level students in the MA in School Administration must complete the following courses:

EDA 50000School Administration Foliotek and MEP Seminar


EDA 50500Foundations of Education Administration


EDA 51500School Supervision


EDA 52000School Business Management


EDA 52500School Law


EDA 53000Public and Community Relations


EDA 55300Field Experience


EDA 53500School Facilities


One of the following:

EDA 51000Elementary School Administration and Organization


EDA 51200Secondary School Administration and Organization


EDA 50000School Administration Foliotek and MEP Seminar


Those students seeking middle school administration certification must hold a current elementary or secondary teaching certificate. Those seeking elementary school administration certification must hold a current elementary teaching certificate, and those students seeking secondary school administration certification must hold a current secondary certificate.