iv. Hearing Committee Recommendation

The Hearing Committee shall deliberate privately in conference and shall consider only the documents and information introduced at the formal hearing. Before its deliberation, the Hearing Committee shall provide the faculty member or his or her advisor and each person involved the opportunity to make a statement orally. The Hearing Committee shall make explicit findings with respect to each basis set forth in the statement(s) of cause. The Hearing Committee shall submit its recommendation(s) together with its findings and the reasons therefore in writing to the provost, the faculty member, and the person(s).

The Hearing Committee may recommend that the faculty member be dismissed immediately or dismissed at the end of the then current academic year. The Hearing Committee may recommend the imposition of a less severe sanction on the faculty member including, without limitation, suspension with or without pay, for a stated period of time, or a formal written reprimand. Conversely, the Hearing Committee may recommend that no sanction be imposed on the faculty member. The Hearing Committee may also make such other recommendations as it deems just and proper.

The recommendation(s), finding(s) and reason(s) of the Hearing Committee shall be submitted to the appropriate individuals within seven calendar days of the conclusion of the formal hearing. The proceedings and outcomes are confidential and shall be released to those with official reason to know.