Research Mentor

The IHP PhD program has a one-on-one mentorship model of training. Each student must identify and receive a formal commitment from a Research Mentor prior to starting the program. The Research Mentor is an experienced/active investigator who is engaged in well-established programs of research that roughly align with the interests of the student. The Research Mentor may be an IHP Faculty member or may hold a position at an outside institution. This mentor must formally commit to providing the time, training and mentorship necessary for the student to develop as a scientist, complete program requirements, and execute a successful dissertation (see 3.1.6 Dissertation), including ongoing active involvement in all aspects of the PhD Program that pertain to the student’s performance/progress in the research realm. Research mentor responsibilities include but are not limited to:

Overall supervision and guidance of student training, research activities, and career development

Holding regular (weekly or biweekly) meetings with PhD student to provide guidance and feedback

Attending student’s annual Interdisciplinary Research Seminar presentation to assess the student’s progress; report any concerns to the Academic Advisor (if one is assigned) and the Executive Committee.

Attending regular (i.e. biannual or quarterly) PhD RS Program Faculty meetings

Working with the student and the Academic Advisor (if one is assigned) to support academic progress, devise a supplemental course plan (see section 3.1.2), and present student progress and the supplemental course plan to the Executive Committee.

Collaborating with the Academic Advisor (if one is assigned) to report on the status/progress of the advisee each semester; communicate directly with the Executive Committee if concerns arise.

Supervising the student’s summer mentored research experiences, and providing a grade of pass or fail to the Associate Director

Providing or helping the student secure research fellowships and resources for the dissertation projects

Supporting the student in meeting program milestones (e.g., helping prepare for the qualifying exam, prospectus meeting, dissertation defense) (See sections 3.1.4. to 3.1.6)

Working with the student to create a career development plan

Meeting on a regular (i.e., quarterly) basis to evaluate progress and provide guidance on the career development plan

Proposing a Dissertation Committee and submitting the Prospectus Meeting Preparation Form

Serving on the student’s Dissertation Committee. Ensuring that the three manuscripts that make up the dissertation are submitted to a journal prior to the student’s Dissertation Defense


The Research Mentor is approved by the program’s Executive Committee as part of the admissions process. If the Research Mentor is an IHP faculty member, they may also serve a dual role as the student’s Academic Advisor.